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Personalised Feedback Sheet for IGCSE Section 6 The effects of using ICT

Name: Natasha Hunt

Target grade:
Score on this assessment: 27 / 48
Grade for this assessment: D
General feedback/class needs:
It was clear that virtually everyone had understood the health and safety impacts of using ICT. The
only mistakes here were down to misreading the question or mixing up the words health and
safety something that should, in all honesty, not be happening at this level.
Most people were able to answer why computers cannot read directly from sensors this should be
ingrained on your brain by now and I promise you it will be a question in your real exam.
Some people could explain the terms Phishing, Pharming and spam. These are pretty basic definition
type questions and we covered them in some detail in class, so no excuses there really.
Blogs and Wikis were generally understood, but the structure of answers here was generally
exceptionally poor. Most of you didnt manage to pull 2 marks out of the bag for each definition and,
again, I expect far better.
No one was really able to answer the question on copyright it is a LAW, not something that
happens when things are stolen
Everyone seemed pretty up to speed on ways of evaluating reliability and bias on a website good!
However The long answer questions about impacts on lifestyles and using the internet for research
were, for a group of your ability, quite frankly appalling. Unfortunately, many people dont seem to
understand the purpose of an analogy and I cannot remember how many times I read about
washing machines. This was ONE example designed to give you an IDEA of the road we were going
down not to be blindly copied and recited over and over. People really fell down by not reading the
question we were looking for IMPACTS, not just we have phones, arent they great or we dont
have to wash up no more!! We will be reviewing this in class, and you do not want to be the
student who copies and regurgitates analogies any more.
Your test review:
One question I got completely right was. 01) sensors. This is because. Its easy to think of sensors
for a greenhouse, you just think of what the plants would need.
One question I achieved some, but not all marks on, was. IA.5 b) This is because I nreadthe
question rong
One question I did not answer correctly was 19) copyright this is because I struggle at
memorising definitions

Your personal targets: questions slowly so I read them correctly

2. Revise definitions

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