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Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

Chapter 2
Fundamental Concepts

Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

Main Topics
Fluid as a Continuum
Velocity Field
Stress Field
Surface Tension
Description and Classification of
Fluid Motions
Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

Fluid as a Continuum

Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

Velocity Field

Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

Velocity Field
Consider also
Steady and Unsteady Flows
1D, 2D, and 3D Flows
Timelines, Pathlines, and

Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

Stress Field

Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

Newtonian Fluids
Most of the common fluids (water, air, oil, etc.)
Linear fluids

Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

Non-Newtonian Fluids
Special fluids (e.g., most biological fluids,
toothpaste, some paints, etc.)
Non-linear fluids

Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

Non-Newtonian Fluids

Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

Surface Tension

Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

Description and Classification

of Fluid Motions

Fox, Pritchard, & McDonald

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