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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact

InTASC Standard 3 Learning Environments
The teacher works with others to create environments that support
individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social
interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation (Council of
Chief State School Officers, 2011).
Brief Description of Evidence:
Completed Fall 2013, Communications
I was required to write and prepare a faux newscast with a group in my speech class.
This gave me the idea to have my religious education class do a similar project. They
were to learn about saints. I decided what better way than to do some research in
groups, and then present a newscast as the saint of their choice.

Analysis of What I Learned:

I learned foremost that children make strong connections to information
they present in this way. I learned that children will become very invested in
learning they get to help steer. I also learned how childrens learning can
thrive when allowed to create elements of their learning environment.
How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the
InTASC Standard:
I worked with my churchs Director of Religious Education to initially set up
my classroom. I worked with the children in my class to personalize a
bulletin board and create the set for this project. This class experienced a
great deal of positive social interaction. They were able to perform their
speech for other grade levels, the Religious Ed. Director, and parents who
came to watch. They received very positive feedback. They still mention
this activity when they see me, though it happened over a year ago now.
This artifact shows I am able to create imaginative environments that lead
students to be very active and motivated in their learning. I will put this
knowledge and ability to work in the future. My students will have a large
role in designing and creating many of the elements in our classroom. They
will also take part in hands-on learning experiences similar to this one.

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