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Topic: Feelings

1) Main Idea: Feelings can give a positive and negative outlook

Supporting Idea: Feelings are shown less in the 20th century
(a) Introduce why feelings connect to social media networks
(b) Give example(s) of feeling being shown
Supporting Idea: Experiences
(a) Give a personal experience of showing feeling in social media or
give an example of research
2) Main Idea: Family and friends when coming to feelings
Supporting Idea: Have both perspectives of each party
(a) Why families are having more problems due to social media
(b) Show example of friends having problems
Supporting Idea: Family and friends who do not use social media
(a) Have examples of families being more social and open minded
with one another
(b) Show examples of friends communicating more and going out to
have a fun time
3) Main Idea: Conclusion
Supporting Idea: The connection of users and non users of social media
(a) Feelings tend to show less feelings when using social media
(b) Non users are show more feelings with others

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