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k E «Time: 20 winwres |. growping. specrenoe™ . tae dass Steps and Teaching Language One of the most pernicious myths in our school system is that all kids must study the exact same subject matter, at the same time, to the same depth. Often, learning has much more staying power when kids become specialists in assingle, narrower subtopic. (If you missed it, revisit pages 23-26; we talked about this at some length in Chapter 1.) This lesson gives kids basic practice in jigsawing, using just two articles and working in pairs. When we create jigsaw text sets about a topic, we are looking for multiple sources that work as proverbial puzzle pieces—five different ver- sions of the topic, five attitudes or points of view, or five different examples— so that when kids blend their thinking, a rich, three-dimensional version of the topic becomes clear. In Text Set 1, for example, kids each choose to read about one of five different invasive species, from snakes to mollusks—but when they pool their learning, they discover the common underlying processes—how all alien species must arrive, survive, and thrive. ‘Once kids are good at jigsawing, you can hand them multiarticle text sets and ask them to dig out the overlaps, contrasts, and key ideas for themselves. But for this first time, we'll just use two articles and help kids build a list of things to watch for before they read. As this lesson unfolds, you will see that it incor- porates elements of many other strategies introduced earlier. MATERIALS NEEDED Copy of both articles for each pair; projector for creating class lists, if desired. ster Activate background knowledge Please form into pairs for this activity, and say hi to each other. Good. Today we are going to read a little bit about cloning. Has everyone heard that word? Have you ever read about it or studied it in school? Yes? Why don't you talk to each other for about two minutes and jot down a list of what you know or think you know about cloning. Allow two minutes of work time, as you circulate and coach. Strategy 23: Jigsaw 137 IAS LAL HOS ONIVaaed / SNOSSIT ADIUVLS STRATEGY LESSONS / PREPARING FOR TEXT SETS STEP 2 STEPS Review background knowledge Invite volunteers to share pieces of their background knowledge and make a lis of this information. Probe thinking with questions like: Where did you learn that? Do you think that its reliable info? Anybody else have other ideas? Be sure students understand that a clone is an exact genetic replica of the original creature, Help kids predict questions an article might answer ‘na minute welll find out how much of your background knowledge is cor- rect, and what else we can learn about cloning, Today I've brought two arti-

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