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CLU3M Course Culminating

Research Position Paper (Spoiler alert its an Essay)

The purpose of this exercise is to develop your critical thinking skills, to develop your knowledge of Law and to
develop your ability to write a clear, concise, grammatically correct, scholarly yet impassioned paper based on
solid research. It should show significant thought, care, and review. This paper is worth 10% of your final mark
and is a course requirement no satisfactory paper, no credit.
Please submit a typed, properly documented argumentative research paper. In order to help facilitate the
assignment and in regards to timing issues, the research topic have been chosen for you and the research has
also been done for you.
a) The style should be formal; therefore, you should:
- write in the third person, there can be no use of the term I
- avoid slang and colloquial language, avoid asking questions
- write out numbers under twenty or if they begin a sentence
- do not refer to the paper (e.g. This paper will prove...)
- follow an effective development of ideas (general, specific, thesis, body, examples, proof, conclusion)
b) A minimum of four (4) sources should be consulted. Remember, a good variety of sources will make for a
better, broader research base and thus a better paper. There is an abundance of misinformation out there,
look at landmark cases such as VINCENT LI, Luka Rocco Magnott, ALLAN SCHOENBORN, etc.. All sources
in the bibliography should be cited in the paper.
c) The paper should be written in proper manuscript form:
i. typewritten, double-spaced, font 12, Times new Roman, Arial or Calibri **
ii. on 8 1/2 x 11 unlined paper
iii. one inch margins **
iv. a complete title page (see example) with an interesting title and a complete Bibliography/Works Cited must
be handed in with the essay.with the essay.with the essaywith the essaywith the essay.with the
essay.with the it?
** do not manipulate margins, fonts, or devices such as the use of BOLD lettering to pad your paper. The
only result is that it looks unprofessional. Please also note that Calibri is my personal preference.

PLAGIARISM/Academic Dishonesty is a serious academic offence. If you are not sure about what constitutes
plagiarism, please see me. Please do not hand in your essay without making sure you have quotes, figures,
facts or ideas that are not yours cited properly. I refuse to let you all leave without having learned this; I
wouldnt feel like I have done a proper job.

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