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Congress of the United States * Bane Bouse of Representatives hangars ‘Wiashington, BE 20515-0913 “ese ‘November 13, 2014 President Barack Obama ‘The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW ‘Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President, ook forward to working with you during the I L4th Congress on issues most important fo the nation, including. ‘improvements to border sccurity and strengthening our nation’s immigration system, ‘You have indicated on multiple occasions thet you are considering taking executive action in response to your disagreement with the House positcn on immigration reform. However, the American people and we as @ ‘Congress have yet to see the substarce of your proposed changes. Since you have not yet taken executve action, I respectfully offer a more constructive altemative and one that 1 believe provides you the opportunity to fame the national debate ina more deliberative and responsible ‘mannet, Instead of issuing an Executive Order to unilaterally enact your ideas on border security and immigration, please consider proposing your plan in a detailed legsiative proposal, and send that proposal to Congress and ask that we consider it through regular order. By putting your ideas in bill form and forwarding it to Congress with a request that we consider it, the responsibilty and accountability i then fully onus. Furthermore, this would ensure a process that enables Congress to debate your proposal and subsequently send. ‘back to you a bill that reflets the wil of the American people through their representatives in Congress — a process fair to all concerned. {believe inthe institution of Congress. Congress should work and it should govern. You should rightfully ‘expect that. But rather than admonish Congress, I urge you to work with Congress by proposing your ideas in the form of legislation and ask that we consider them. Itis our responsibility todo so. Should you send your specific proposal to Capitol Hill, you have my commitment that I will encourage my colleagues to immediately ‘consider your proposal as legslatior. We mnnnally ennsider your budget proposal with an up or down vote by the Congress. We should be able to do the same with your proposal on immigration. Going it alone will only deprive communities across the country the opportunity to have their voices rear through their elected representatives in Congress. ‘Thank you Mr, President. [ook forward to your response. ‘With much respect, Did, “Member of Congress

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