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Week 9

Warm up

Elliptical for 10 minutes

REST for 2 minutes
Stretching: quad stretches, lunges right and left leg, arm stretches. Hold stretches for 8 seconds.
Arm sways for 30 seconds

Work Out
Muscular Strength:

Chest press with dumbbells 10lbs 3 sets of 10.

REST in between each set for 30 seconds
Hammer pull down right and left arm 15lbs. 3 sets of 10
REST in between each set for 30 seconds
Triceps pull downs 36lbs. 3 sets of 10.
REST in between each set for 30 seconds

Abdominal Exercises:

10lb medicine ball and wall sits for 30 seconds. 2 repetitions.

REST for 1 minute
6lb sit-ups 3 sets of 10.
REST for 1 minute
6lb sit-ups 3 sets of 10
REST in between each set for 30 seconds
1 minute sit-ups

Cool down

Stretching: quad stretches, butterfly stretches, leg stretches, and arm stretches. Hold each stretch for 8 seconds

Warm up

Bike for 10 minutes

REST for 2 minutes
Stretching: quad stretches, lunges right and left leg, arm stretches. Hold stretches for 8 seconds.
Arm sways for 30 seconds

Work out
Abdominal Exercises:

Planks for 1 minute 2 sets each

REST for 1 minute between each set

Stability ball: sit-ups 3 sets of 10

REST for 30 seconds

V-sit ups 3 sets of 10

REST for 1 minute

Cardio Exercises:

Brisk walk around the track for 5 laps

Jog around the track for 2 laps

Cool down

Stretching: quad stretches, butterfly stretches, leg stretches, and arm stretches. Hold each stretch for 8 seconds

Goals for this week: Muscular strength and work on flexibility

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