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Quantitative Techniques

Assignment: 02
Submitted By: Ubaid-ur-Rehman
Roll Number: SP14-MSPM-010
Date: 17/09/2014

Department of Management Sciences

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore

1. Obtain the Bar chart for Gender and Education

2. Obtain the contingency table and test the association between

gender and education
H0: There is no association between the gender and education variables.
Ha: The gender and education variables are associated.

Significance Value = 0.535 > a-Value = 0.05, So Accept H0 > No association

between the gender and education

3. Fit the regression model (using all variables) between

dependent variable (Blood Pressure) and independent
variables (Height, Weight and Age), interpret the results.

In above coefficients table, the linear model becomes:

Y = 68.199 + 0.894*H + 0.594*W + 0.170*A
Now check out the (Sig.) value for obtaining the best model:
Age and Height doesnt play the significant role in model for
prediction, therefore Height and Age are excluded

Now the new model is,

Now the equation becomes,

Y = 79.682 + 0.608*W
Weight is significant predictor in the model

According to Model Summary, there is strong positive relationship

between dependent and Independent variables thats is (89%) and
R2 defines (78%) dependent variables explained by independent

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