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Karla Krause
BML 305
Howard E. Rhoden
14 October, 2014
Reflective Writing Week Three
This past two weeks reading assignments have been very interesting and I have
gathered a lot of information. I will discuss what I found interesting in each chapter.
Week Two Assignments: Chapters 8 and 22
Chapter 8: Chapter 8 discussed Rhetorical Analyses. I never thought how an author
incorporates information in his/her writing to either influence the reader or not. Reading
the example of rhetorical analyses Keep America Beautiful was a great example for me as I
remember this ad when it appeared on television. Identifying features and highlighting the
three kinds of proofs in the ad aided me on understanding how the author used this
information to make a point to readers. The key point to me is the detail of Iron Eyes Cody
shedding a tear and one that I always will remember.
Chapter 22: I found this chapter to be the most beneficial. When I hear the word
argument, I fist think of something negative. What I learned in my last class is
individuals type of personality and found mine to be an extrovert. I see or listen to one
side of an argument before I show my emotion, which usually is to prove I am right and not
listening first to the evidence. I find myself leaning straight into the emotion (pathos) first.
The author explains a solid argument will usually employ all three; however, one type will
usually be the dominant mode of argument (Johnson-Sheenan Paine). I should begin by

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listening to both sides before I start my rebuttal. In other words, keep brain in gear before
running mouth.
Week Three Assignment: Chapter 5:
Chapter 5: This also was an interesting chapter for me. When I think of profile, I
think of a biography of someone. I thought back to my school days and one assignment I
was given was to interview someone you find interesting. I interviewed my grandmother
about what life was like growing up in the time that she did versus the present, which at
the time was the late mid-70s to early 80s. This was similar to a profile only more like a
biography, but I found it an easy and very interesting assignment. I remember writing out
the questions I wanted to ask which becomes the researching portion of writing a profile. I
believe the profile assignment we have will be interesting and hope that we may have an
opportunity to share our assignment with other classmates.

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Work Cited
Johnson-Sheehan, Richard and Charles Paine. Writing Today. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson, 2013.

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