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Link2fs Multi Beta ..

Here is a break-down of the codes sent from your Arduino TO your computer.
The data burst from the Arduino needs to be,,,,
Burst of 3 or more charactors followed by a linefeed. ( use Serial.println)
For Simconnect inputs ,,,,
The minimum data burst will be 3 charactors.
The burst starts with an "A", "B", "C" or what ever code the code sheet indicate
The codes you send are indicated for you in the documentation and in my program
page for simconnect.
ie ,, "C02" will lower the gear.
Your code in the Arduino would be like this ,,,
The Simconnect system is totally seperate for the "Keys" section so once you pro
gram your Arduino to send the codes ,,,
there is nothing else to do.
The codes only need to be sent once.
For "Keys",,,
There is a burst 4 charactor long and it's started with a capital "D"
ie "D190" is pin 19 has just been closed.
Now this is where it gets tricky as the data burst is made up from seperate line
s so you need to put the linefeed in the last digit sent.
Serial.print ("D");
if (KpinNo < 10) Serial.print ("0");
Serial.print (KpinNo);
Serial.println (KpinStateSTR);
Note the println is only on the last line of the sent data burst.
Updating from before version 5a ,,,,
So if you are updating from an very early version of the "Multi" then all you ha
ve to do is
run through your INO and add the "ln" (Thats a small LN) to the approprate lines
Everything else is the same.
Have fun Guys ,,, Jim.
P.S. Did I say to study the "Multi_Keys_Gear_Simconnect" INO file.
It's an ideal "starter" file for you to expand with your needs.

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