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Jessie Worger

Writing Assignment
Dana Barclay
Objective: Using describing words
Pretending to write a post on an online dating site
Level: Novice-mid
Time: 20 minutes
Unit: Describing yourself and others

Students will have prior knowledge of describing words such as pretty, good
looking, fun, nice, mean, skinny, fat and other adjectives.
Students will have prior knowledge of the verb ser and the present tense
conjugations of ser
Students will have prior knowledge of how to say what they like in Spanish.

1. Pass out a paper with the prompt that says, Ests en un sitio web de citas en
lnea. Describe tu novio o novia ideal.
2. Tell your students that this is supposed to be a funny prompt and they can have
fun with their stories.
3. Do a brainstorming activity where you ask your students for different Spanish
adjectives that they could use for the prompt. Write the adjectives on one side of
the board.
4. On the board, write the verb ser and ask the students for the conjugations of the
verb ser
5. Tell your students to brainstorm with their partners about different verbs they
could use then ask them to come up to the board and write a few useful verbs.
6. Pass out an example response to this prompt and read it with the class.
Example Response
Mi novio ideal es guapo, intelligente y fuerte. Mi novio ideal juega al futbol y le
gusta limpiar la casa. Mi novio ideal puede cocinar muy bien y tambin puede
conversar por horas. Mi novio ideal le gustan los nios mucho y quiere tener nios.

7. Ask your students to underline all of the adjectives that they see, circle all the uses
of ser, and star all the verbs gustar.

8. After ten minutes of writing have students pair-up and share their stories
9. Have students switch stories and proof-read them
10. Collect the stories and use them to evaluate the ability of your students.
11. Ask for volunteers to share with the group

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