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The Critical Period, 1781-1787

Historians often refer to the years after the adoption of the Articles of
Confederation as the Critical Period of American history.
The new govt established by the Articles of Confederation suffered
from many weaknesses.
The Confederation govt had no
national executive and could not

American leaders created a

national govt with too little power
to govern effectively.
The new system also did not
meet the needs of the growing

The Critical Period, 1781-1787

States were allowed to tax goods
from other states
No uniform currency (money)
existed; shortage of currency
Unemployment was widespread
Congress was unable to protect
manufacturing and shipping
Land values saw no rise in value
because the government could
neither defend its borders nor
protect settlers living on the

Farmers & the Critical Period

A crisis soon arose that brought these weaknesses
of Congress into sharp focus.
The Critical Period hit farmers the hardest
Many farmers were former
soldiers in the Continental
These poor farmers were upset
over their growing debts,
falling farm prices, and high
state taxes. They were short on

In Massachusetts, farmers were even more outraged

when the state raised taxes on farmers
The courts began to seize land and put farmers in
debtors prison for their failure to repay debts.
In 1786, an uprising of farmers known as Shays
Rebellion broke out in Massachusetts.

Shays Rebellion

In 1786, Daniel Shays, a Massachusetts

farmer who served as a Captain during
the Revolution, organized 2,000 farmers
to stop state courts from seizing their
property and imprisoning them for
unpaid debts.

Bands of angry citizens armed with pitchforks and

other farm tools closed down courts in the western
part of the state.
Their reasoning was simple with the courts shut
down, no ones property could be taken.

Since the national/ central

govt didnt have an army it
was hard for them to go into
MA and help the situation.

The Massachusetts militia

had to defend themselves,
but it took MA 5 months to
get an army together. They
killed 4 and wounded 24 of
Shays men.

Shays Rebellion proved one thing:

The federal government was much too weak and a
stronger national govt was needed!
Shays Rebellion is considered one of the major events
leading to the formation of the U.S. Constitution.

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