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Science, Religion, and Medicine

Late Victorian Era

Kimberly Dang, Julieta Diaz, Angerica Garcia

Christian Churches

Decline of the Church

1 Other rising religions
2 Effect of Darwinism

Medical Breakthroughs

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas

William Morton - anesthetics
Louis Pasteur - fungus and bacteria
Joseph Lister - antiseptics

Availability of Hospitals

Voluntary hospitals
Specialist hospitals
Cottage hospitals
Poor Law infirmaries

Incurable Disorders
Natural remedies became popular
Mentally impaired kept in asylums
o No charge
o Looked down upon
o Urged against marriage and parenthood
o Programs created at end of the era

Science Upcoming
The Victorian Era was an age where there
was a tremendous amount of scientific
progress and discovery.

Science was challenging religion

New discoveries

Science vs. Religion

Charles Darwin presents his theory of
David Strauss Life of Jesus

New Discoveries/Inventions
Planet Neptune
Electric train
Diseases are caused by germs

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