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1 a)

1 b)

1 c)

1 d)

1 e)

1 f)

1 g)


2 a)

2 b)

3 a) Advantages doing Break-even Analysis An analysis to determine the point at
which revenue received equals the costs associated with receiving the revenue. Breakeven analysis calculates what is known as a margin of safety, the amount that
revenues exceed the break-even point. This is the amount that revenues can fall while
still staying above the break-even point. Break-even analysis is a supply-side analysis;
that is, it only analyzes the costs of the sales. It does not analyze how demand may be
affected at different price levels.
For example, if it costs $50 to produce a widget, and there are fixed costs of $1,000,
the break-even point for selling the widgets would be:
If selling for $100: 20 Widgets (Calculated as 1000/(100-50)=20)
If selling for $200: 7 Widgets (Calculated as 1000/(200-50)=6.7)
In this example, if someone sells the product for a higher price, the break-even point
will come faster. What the analysis does not show is that it may be easier to sell 20
widgets at $100 each than 7 widgets at $200 each. A demand-side analysis would give
the seller that information.

3 b i) Break-even point

3 b ii)
Profit = Sales Costs, let x=units;

Therefore, to yield a profit of RM11,000, 4,889 units of products need to be produced.

Jorn should choose the option, which will give him the best future value as the sums
of money will only be received in the future;
a) Option 1: Jorn will receive RM100,000 in t=10
b) Option 2: If Jorn invested the sums he received at 8% p.a, in 10 years he will

Therefore, the best option is Option 2, as Jorn will obtain a bigger value of money by
RM4,069.89 in 10 years.

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