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Natural disasters
drought (sequa)

earthquake (terremoto)

floods (inundacin)
tornado (tornado)

famine (hambruna)

hurricane (huracn)

tsunami (tsunami)

fire (incendio)

landslide (corrimiento de tierra)

volcanic eruption (erupcin volcnica)

Busca ocho desastres naturales en la sopa de letras y rodalos.


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Relaciona las ilustraciones con las palabras del cuadro.






volcanic eruption







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Subraya las palabras correctas.

World news
The landslide / drought continues in Central Africa. It last rained here two years
ago. Everything is very dry.
Now there is a (1) tornado / famine because many people havent got any food.
People are talking about the (2) earthquake / floods in California on Tuesday.
Jolene McKlusky said, The kitchen floor moved and then plates, cups and food
fell onto the floor. We all got under the table. At sea there was a (3) drought /
tsunami, which hit islands off the coast. One witness said, I was on the beach
and I saw very big waves in the sea. It was really scary.
A report is coming in from the National Weather Centre about the (4) volcanic
eruption / hurricane which is crossing Florida. It is very windy and rainy at the
moment, so stay inside.
In Mexico, it is raining a lot. There are (5) fires / floods all over the country. The
heavy rain caused a (6) landslide / tornado in the mountains yesterday. Large
rocks fell on to the road.
The (7) famine / fire in Greece is continuing in the forest. It is destroying the
trees and killing the wildlife. It began with a cigarette. The emergency services
are working in the area.

Text Interface 2 Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011

Piensa en un desastre natural y escribe la noticia sobre l.

Text Interface 2 Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011

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