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Soap Opera Trailer Proposal

Prepared by Keanan Hill


Aquinas College


Prepared by

Aquinas: Media and Film Studies Department

Sylvester Avenue

Georgia Firth

Project name: Sylvester avenue

Outline of idea:
Best friend of roommate + woman drunken one night stand
woman positive pregnancy test = confrontation
woman tells sister shes pregnant.
Father of child gets angry and pushes her down the stairs by mistake.
Roommate discovers her at the bottom.

Based on the pregnancy narrative:
- Child is conceived whilst parents are drunk at a party
- Pregnancy test comes back positive
- Confronts the father of the child about it.
- Father gets angry about it
- They argue, which becomes more and more common over time
- Family and friends and concerned couple become more worried about the girl
- Ends in tragedy as the father pushes her down the stairs
- Roommate discovers her at the bottom of the stairs

Production Team, roles and skills:

Producer: Shared
Director: Shared
Cast: Shared
Camera: Shared
Sound: Shared
Assistant Camera/director: Shared
All the roles will be shared between the group (Matt, Laura, Lucie, Sam, Abbi, Georgia,

Target Audience
The target audience are males and females, with ages ranging from 16 21.

Reasons as to why the idea will work (broadcast time, demand for
style of show, mass/niche appeal)
This idea will work because I feel the soaps that already exist
dont really appeal to our target audience. Therefore by creating
Sylvester avenue we will then appeal to our audience and
therefore get a viewership.

Locations, permissions and resources:

Filming in and around Stockport.

When it will be ready: 18th december

Client feedback (including areas for development prior to

drafting of treatment):

Certified suitable for development:

Executive Producer.......................................................

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