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WPHT Smith 1 Isaac Smith Professor Lynn Raymond UWRT 1103-03 October 21, 2014 The Waiting Line I think if I was able to shake anyone’s hand, the five people I would choose would probably be George Bush Jr., Gandhi, John Lennon, Thomas Edison, and Nelson Mandela. All of these people were famous for trying to help people in their time period. Whether it was through their actions or through singing a famous song of love, these people showed that all you need is love (pun intended). I think the first person I would shake hands would be John Lennon. The reason I would shake hands with him first is because I’m a Beatles fan and I love music too. ‘Then I'd shake George Bush Jr.'s hand because I feel like he handled September 11" very well. Even though I was only five, I saw how he acted as the President apé“took control of the situation by sending troops over to Iraq and Afghanistan. Ther(T would shake Thomas Edison's hand because I felt that he helped his community with thé creation of the light bulb. Then I would shake Nelson Mandela and Gandhi’s hand times of oppression. I think this list says that I am the type of person that wants to help the community. All of the people I chose have helped their community in some sort of way. I've always wanted to help people and have done so through different ways in my life, I don’t think I will be as famous as John Lennon or Thomas Edison; however, I believe that I could help people just as much as ful Nor On these famous people have.

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