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Production Handbook
Studio Shoot
Group B

Shoot date 27/11/14- 28/11/14

Producer : Laura Thomas
Contact :

Professional tool kit - Studio Shoot

Group b

Working title- DFSA Cell advert

Duration 90 seconds

Target audience 6th form/ college students, Males/Females
aged 16-18

Synopsis- We open in a prison cell type room resembling that of a mental asylum.
There is a distinct lack of colour in the room everything being grey or the colour is
toned down. The dcor of the room hints at this being an unforgiving no creative place
heavy. There is no sense of personality or flare around the furniture is basic with
textbooks and a few old VHS tapes placed around the room.

You hear a door being opened and the character being thrown into the cell and the
door shuts behind them. The character is wearing a straight jacket. You hear a voice
stating you cant come out come out until you learn to be less creative

Not liking the cell in the few seconds they have been in there the character brakes out
of the straight jacket and begins to peel away at the wallpaper. As they do this they see
a glimpse of light coming through the torn paper. They promotes them to break
through the wall where they fall into room full of boxes witch are displaying work
from digital film and screen arts. The camera pans up and you see the whole thing is
just a set to advertise the course

Suggested elements:
Camera movement- Zoom out, close ups.
Editing- Split screen, transitions.
Location- Cell block, futuristic room
Props- Table, bed, books, tape, boxes
Costume- straight jacket, white trousers

Personnel requirements-
Cast- Male/female student
Crew- Director, 1 ad, camera operator, boom holder,
hair/make up, line/grip

Rational- This is an interesting and unique way to show case
the best of digital film and screen arts work and promote the
course to potential students without creating a traditional
show reel.

Feasibility- Props brake- Have spare props
Faulty equipment- Check equipment before the
start of filming.

Technical resources- camera, memory card, microphone,

computer, final cut.

Professional tool kit- Studio shoot

Group B
Contact :


We see a dimly lit room covered in pages of text books which
over all is very dull and grey toned. In the room there is a
desk and just a bed on the floor. There are piles and piles
of text books and torn up vhs tapes. A little bit of light
creeps through the bars of the jail door the room is
illuminated more so wee see the details of this discusting
As the door opens more a man in a straight jacket is harshly
thrown onto the floor before the door is slammed shut.

(The guard is scoffin the
prisoner in an aragent tone)
You can come out of there when you
can control your creativity.

The prisoner looks around the cell in paranoier, and
instantly hates the space they have been put in. After
fighting the urge to try and escape the prisoner breaks and
snaps his way out of the jacket. He begins pushing away the
text books and pealing the pages away from the wall. He
things he is getting no where and begins to feel exasparated
and give up when he sees a small crack in the wall with a
tiny bit of light shining threw. With excitiment he
frantically tears away at the paper before punching his way
through the wall.


Through the hole that has been punched through the wall we
can see a bright and futuristic land. The prisoner then
tumbles through the gap and and falls into this world. He
lands in a pile of boxes, these boxes have on them current
work from digital film and screen arts, clips fromt he
making process of our films, clips showing what its like in
our lessons and the soft ware we use. All the boxes will
show case the very best of digital film and what it stands
for. The prisioner interacts with the boxes watching some of
them that are floating around his head,looking at them with
delight wondering what kind of place he has stumlbed in.
After the prisioner starts to looks more delighted we that
he is no longer in an un creative enviroment the camera
slowly pans out exosing the whole studio and all of the cast
and crew as well as the production process that gose on in
making the advert.


If you are interested in taking up

a creative course in film,
photography, after effects and much
more go to
for more information

Professional Tool Kit studio shoot -Group b

Shot list
Shot list ( in order to be shot )
Film before actor arrives so there not sat around waiting

Shot 1 Cu
Shot 2 cu
Shot 3 cu
Shot 4 wide

Film with actor location 1

Shot 5 mid low - Camera position A
Shot 6 Wide look down Camera position A
Shot 7 Cu Camera position A
shot 9 Cu Camera Position a

Shot 8 Wide Camera position B
Shot 10 CU Camera Position B
shot 11 Mid Camera Position B

Shot 12 mid camera position C

shot 13 wide camera position D

Film with actor - location 2
Shot 14 cu Camera position E

Shot 15 wide Camera position F

Shot 16 Wide Camera position G

Shot 17 Wide Camera position h

Possible pick up shots / B roll

Cu of the textbook wall
Starting wide shot of prison room
Empty prison through hole
Boxes on the ground in
Close ups of boxes
pan out through set if cant get high up shot
Of room ( in case need to green screen )

Professional tool kit Studio Shoot Group B

Day plan
Contact :

Professional tool kit Studio Shoot Group B
Shooting scedual
Contact :

Professional tool kit Studio Shoot Group B
Props, Budget, Set design
Contact :


shitty mattress Free ( laura has one )
Books - Free (get some from Library)
VHS tapes - Free (Charlie probably has some)
Boxes - Free (Leanna has some)
Desk - Free (Find a spare table)
Cardboard boxes Free
Tvs Borrow from crew

Straight jacket - I will find out wednesday
White Trousers - Free or 15
White Shirt - Free (Leanna has one)
Plain shoes - 6 ( Size depending we can borrow from someone)

Wallpaper -
Textbook pages - Free (Leanna has one)
Paint:- 25
Wall paper paste 2.50

Set design

(some files went missing when i uploaded this to google dox i will re import them
later )

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