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Annie Simon

Mr. Griffin
11 September 2014
Project Proposal
I am planning to work with Felicia Bosarge of Kid Scoop News, a childrens publication
that showcases articles, artwork, and puzzles by 2nd-8th graders. I want to elicit students
interest in journalism and improve their writing and design skills. I am currently content editor of
the Gaucho Gazette and have been in journalism for three years, so my experience will be an
important asset to my project. My goals for the program, according to Felicia, are to increase
the interest in writing for young kids, work with schools/classrooms to incorporate reading and
writing in conjunction with KSN, work to develop various groups of writers, train KSN young
reporters to develop and use various forms of social media, and ALWAYS be positive role
models for kids throughout the community. Doing this project will grow journalism programs,
hopefully so that print will not die out.

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