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3 Types of People


3 Reasons Why people Dont get rich

1. Unconsciously they dont want too
2. They Dont know How to
3. They Dont ride a vehicle to get there

2 Kinds of Income
1. Linear Income
2. Exponential Income

* Parable of the The 3 Sale's man

*Causes are little Psycological Wallet, Blame Game

*lack of financial education
*they depend on Ordinary Income, Parable of Bagiuo Trip

*Ordinary income from regular job

*You Earn this when you invest in mutual funds and stocks
*when you bought a franchise store
*Networking's down stream line
*Investors buy a profitable rental property
*Royalty that Authors earn for every book she sells

Law of attraction/ Law of Focus

Tale of Bo's pregnant wife

Not Unless you start seeing yourself hitting those large amount
Nothing Great really comes out in an easy way
Create your financial plan, how you plan to earn for the next fiv
Believe in God help the poor


Emergency Fund
Savings Account
Payroll Account
Stocks Capital

Ready Aim Fire

Ready Fire Fire Aim Fire Aim Fire Aim Fire

Have A Bias for action

Be a doer


Tale of NBS owner

Profits are better than wages

Find a financial mentor
Define your own success

Not success base on comparison

llet, Blame Game

e, Parable of Bagiuo Trip

mutual funds and stocks

ery book she sells

elf hitting those large amount incomes, will it happen

an easy way
u plan to earn for the next five years

3 types of Income

Accountant's Jargons
1.Ordinary Income
2.Portfolio Income
3.Passive income

Investor's Point of view

1. Earned income
2. Capital gains
3. Passive Income

Emperor's New Cloth to ''A'' Students

Financial illeteracy

from regular job, The higher your paid the

earnings from investment vehicles, Stocks
Income of the rich.

ar job, The higher your paid the lesse you receive because of tax
om investment vehicles, Stocks

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