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Midline Stability-Class 1

Explain progression of classes1.


Midline and trunk

Upper limb
Upper limb Taping
Lower limb
Lower limb Taping
Additional Programming (strengthening your weakneses)

Thoracic and lower back

1. Midline stablilty
2. Thoracic Tension

1. Midline Stability
a. Who has back pain/aches?
b. Causes- Tension, postures, poor movement patterns
c. Who thinks they have a strong core- test one person
i. 5 min test for everyone- ab test
ii. Test beiring sorensons
d. Why correct postures are important- Always but more so if weak
e. Talk about bracing why it is important to brace and mechanism
central to peripheral (CF level 1, supple leopard) etc.
i. Protect CNS/discs etc
ii. Minimise secondary problems- eg tightness develops in the
posterior chain to compensate namely the hamstrings (test
SLR, tsp, lsp) 5 min
iii. Maximise Force Production
f. Show correct bracing technique and (get all to practice)
2. Posture & Technique
a. What is torque (2 examples)
i. rag and model
b. Cues may have already heard for torque (all in line)
i. Hips- screw your feet into the ground, spread the floor,
shove your knees out
ii. Shoulders- bend the bar, keep your elbows in,

1. Goal- tighten the bone into the socket and make it

stable to be able to maximise power and prevent
2. If not- labral tears, menical/acl tears
(Consequence if If you cant generate rotational forces? your
ribcage or hips tilts.)
c. Torque demonstration with 8kg
i. Then transfer this to a functional movement (myself first)
1. Go through clean technique
2. Why is it important to be upright on last pull- Lu
Xianjun video
d. Additional points for posture
i. Feet straight forwards
1. Increased Base Of Support eg if snatch caught slightly
forwards can shift forwards
2. Increases torque (eg squat with band- knees are
easier to keep out if feet are straight
3. Overpronated feet why does army/NFL not recruitputs pressure on knee structures- great predictor for
ACL tears
e. Movement- Deadlift
i. ROM test (straight, only bend at hips)
ii. Go through movement
f. Mobilty & Stretching
i. Baseline ranges of motion
1. Thoracic ext
2. Back extension
3. H/s
g. Mobilisations vs stretching
i. PNF- priopriocetive neuromuscular facilitation (contract &
1. H/S
2. Traps/ LS stretch
ii. Mobs with roller
iii. Ball
iv. Twisting stretches from Andrew

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