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Effie Whittlesy

George Ade, (born on 9th February 1866, died on 16th May 1944) was an American writer,
newspaper columnist, and playwright from Kentland, Indiana. One of his great varieties of short stories
is Effie Whittlesy, which main characters are: George Wallace, Mrs. Wallace and Effie herself.
This story is written almost entirely in dialogue, with little description, yet the reader learns a good deal
about the characters. So, when her husband comes home, Mrs. Wallace tells him that she has hired a
new and very efficient serving girl, one who seems almost too good to be true. When the girl comes into
the dining room, she and Mr. Wallace are surprised to find they know each other; in fact, they were
friends in the small town where they grew up. Mrs. Wallace decides she cant have a servant calling her
husband Ed; Effie must go, and Mr. Wallace must send her. He does, in a very diplomatic way, but
invites her to come back for a visit. Mrs. Wallace must be contented with that.
So, we see that those three are put in a situation where they have to choose. The choice of Mrs. Wallace
consists in accepting the fact that her husband and the new servant used to be friends in their early life
or just fire Effie, without any trace of remorse. The next who has to decide is Mr. Wallace. The choice
lies in letting Effie in their house in spite of what is thinking his wife or just sent away her, invoking a
justification of the choice he made. And, finally, Effie has to decide whether a workplace in a good house
from Chicago is more important than a powerful friendship, which has a great history.
Afterwards we see all of them while taking such decisions: Mrs. Wallace, being very proud in her
manners, doesnt want to step back; shes hade her decision and that was to send Effie away; Mr
Wallace, being in loved with his wife, and caring of the years theyve spent together in harmony and
peace, decides to fire Effie, because he doesnt want to have as a servant his old friend. He promises her
that he is able to find her a workplace better than this one is, and tells her that he would like to have her
as a guest soon. In the end we find out that a girl who was born and lived in a small village is a very wise
person. Of course she knows where the base of Georges decision lies, and she accepts his proposition.
I think the author arranged all these things in a suitable for everyone way. Can understand Mrs. Wallace
because she loved her husband, enough to trust him, still, she was jealous, not because she was afraid
of losing him, he wasnt so stupid to do this, but of their warm relationship a relationship which she
never had with George. Putting myself in Georges body I can easily understand his attitude. In the
males character lies the indifference, even if they seem so careful. He was now indifferent towards the
large publics opinion. But still, he chose his wife, as they want to live the whole life together, and he is
in position to take such a decision to prove his fidelity towards her pride, and wish, and love. Effie was,
now, independent. I think the next day she would have left without waiting for that kind of discussion
with George. Shes a good person and enough intelligent to know what love is, to see it existing between
two persons.
This short story is a piece of life. Its a piece of advice for those who are afraid of taking a serious
decision in life. Id say that if you really know want is important, youd choose the best for you, without
having any remorse. If you are enough unlucky to find yourself in a situation alike with that described by
George Ade, you should analyze attentively your priorities and decide, because the ability of taking
tough decisions is an art a talent; unless you have it, try to choose the surest option.
And you, what do you choose: love or friendship?

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