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Yadira Orozco

Counseling 12
Professor Fisher
UC San Diego
I chose UC San Diego as my UC to transfer to because its not too
far from home and Ive heard great things about this school from
current students. I also love San Diego in general. I feel like this would
be a great start for me on the path of independence. My first choice
was UC Davis, but I chose differently because my cousin attended the
school for four years and she said that it isnt as populated as Los
Angeles. I dont like the feeling of living somewhere more secluded or
quiet. So thats why I went with UC San Diego as my next choice.
The website for UC San Diego states that 25% of their new
students are transfer students. Im not sure if this is great, but I feel
like one fourth of the student population as transfer students is better
than none. Also, when trying to transfer to this university, I need to
complete and go beyond the minimum units and classes that are
required. While taking these classes, I need to complete them with a
grade higher than a C-. I havent personally visited the campus, but
online tours of the university look very nice. I must admit that when a
school looks amazing, it just makes it more appealing to me as a
possible future transfer student. Lastly, this university looks like they
are very open to diversity, which is important to me, being Mexican

American. There is a whole page on their website talking about their

office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and how they pride
themselves on mutual respect and equal opportunity.

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