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Africa Project - Drums

Step One:
Get a plate and draw a design that reflects an item that you remember being discussed in class. You
may use research. Colors should reflect images or ideas relating to Africa. Remember you will be
graded on the following items:

Use of color = 20
Image = 30
Use of space = 10

Step Two:
Get a bowl:
You will attach the bowl to the plate using string. Poke a hole in the middle of the bowl as directed
You will be graded on the following items:

Following directions = 5
Neatness = 10

Step Three
Get a cup.
You will attach the cup to the bowl
Poke a hole in the middle of the cup as directed
You will be graded on the following items:

Following instructions = 5
Neatness = 10

Step Four
Fill out the reflection sheet = 10
Rewrite the information on a separate piece of paper
you will be graded on the following items:

Complete sentences = 10
Grammar = 10
Standard manuscript format = 10
Accuracy = 10
Neatness and readability = 20

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