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BASEBALL COANADA OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Introduction Strength & Conditioning for Baseball ‘There are fundamental principles that must be considered when preparing yourself for a sport Baseball presents some very unique challenges in regards to athlete preparation, The human body was really not designed for rotational movement and certainly, throwing and hitting a baseball are some of the most demanding movements the body will have to deal with in a sport setting. With this in mind, we would like you to consider the following training principles as you begin yout off- season training program. Strength & Conditioning ‘The main goal of any well designed strength and conditioning program is three fold: 1) Decrease risk of injury. 2) Maximize sport performance. 3) Maximize career longevity. In a perfect world a program is designed with an individual athlete in mind. What we have compiled here is a well rounded program that addresses all of the areas of development needed for success in the game of baseball. “If Thad six hours to cut down a tree, [ would spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln Quality Before Quanti More is not better! There is absolutely no better way for you to approach your training. This mind set is ofien difficult to adhere to as a young athlete. At times even seasoned veterans of the game find it difficult to narrow the scope of their training. AAll we can say to this is; more often than not it is the quality of your work and not the quantity of your work that will generate the greatest gains in performance. Stick to the program, listen to your body and stay focused on your task, in those hours.” Anonymous “ What counts s not the number of hours you put in but how much you The Athlete Before the Player Ideally we all want to be players. But, it is the smart player that succeeds and excels in sport. These players understand that in order to approach your playing potential you must be first prepared as an athiete. This means you will have to put the game aside for a time to develop the athletic traits that will, ultimately, make you a better baseball player. And that is how we would like you to approach son program, Develop as an athlete so you can maximize your abilities as a player! ~The only place suecess comes before work is in the dictionary!” Anonymous The Foundation for Development Inside the program you will find exercises and drills addressing ALL of the areas of development, Flexibility, Endurance, Strength, Speed, Agility, Power and Rest; are the areas of development you need to focus on to maximize your performance over the off-season. You will also have to address other important factors such as nutrition, mental training and injury rehabilitation. A well- rounded, complete program is critical to reaching your potential! “Champions in any field have made a habit of doing what others find boring or difficult.” Unknown With these basic principles in mind we challenge you to make the most of your off-season. We look forward to speaking with you over the winter and seeing you in the spring. e Sst Off-Season Conditioning Program Warm-Up, Stretch and Cool-Down It is very important to prepare the body for the rigors of training, Be sure to warm-up, cool down and stretch for every training session. Sport specificity is the key to a good warm-up. Your warm-up should be broken down into three segments: General warm-up, Dynamic warm-up and Sport Specific warm-up. A good warm-up can take up to 40 minutes, General Warm-up: 10-12 minutes of continuous low intensity exercise, light run or stationary bike at about 50% maximum effort. Sweat on your forehead is an indicator of a good general ‘warm-up. Dynamic Warm-up: For agility and hard cardio days your dynamic warm-up should include: Ballistic walking, 10 yard grid work: easy sprints, backpedaling, shuffles. Quick feet drills and longer 30-40yard accelerations should round off your Dynamic Warm-up. On throwing days, prior to throwing, your dynamic warm-up should also include arm circles both ‘ways, shoulder slaps, alternating arm swings and trunk rotations. Sport Specific Warm-up: This phase of your warm-up prepares the body for the work you are about to perform, It is sport specific movement performed at 80-90% of maximum effort. For weight training it may be 5-6 lighter reps prior to going into your workout. Stretching: Ideally you need to complete the stretching program 3-4 times a week. | Stretching, right now, is an area of controversy in the conditioning world. Though there is little | doubt that increased flexibility may increase performance and decrease risk of injury, there has been different views as to when stretching should be performed in a training program. Recent research has shown that static stretching (stretches that are held 15-60sec) may not be as effective as part of the warm-up and may be detrimental to performance. We are asking that you perform the flexibility program 3-4 times a week at the end of your training sessions as part of your cool-down, Cool-Down: The cool-down is one of the most important parts of your day. It sets your body up for recovery. It has been shown that lactate build up due to high intensity exercise is broken down and removed from the muscle tissue up to 90% more effectively with 10-12 minutes of continuous low intensity (50% of max.) exercise. OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Strength Training The off-season strength and conditioning program is presented in calendar form based on two-week cycles. For each day you will see a list of tasks for that day. Try to follow them in the listed order! For example, your cardio should be the last thing you do on any day unless otherwise listed. You should NEVER do your shoulder exercises before you throw!!! Sets and Repetitions Al of the lifting routines are based on the repetition maximum principle, This means you are to lift é the prescribed number of repetitions at a weight that will cause fatigue at the end of the set (total positive failure), For example, 10RM means you select a weight that you can lift only 10 times. If ‘you lift the weight 8 times it is too heavy. If you can lift it 12 times it is too light. As you progress ‘through each stage, your strength will increase. You must increase the weight you are lifting to progressively get results. 7 Active Rest ‘You will see the term Active Rest throughout the program. Active Rest means that the athlete should be active but no structured training is planned. It is left up to the athlete to do something active outside the program. It should be a low intensity safe activity. Tempo Tempo is the speed of the lifling movement in seconds, For each two-week program you will see a ‘Tempo. Tempo is expressed in Concentric: Eccentric. A concentric contraction is where the muscle is shortening under load lifting @ weight. An eccentric contraction is where the muscle lengthens under load letting a weight down, A 2:2 tempo would be 2 seconds up: 2 seconds down, with € absolutely no pause. : Rest The rest intervals are very important. Follow them as closely as possible. The rest time tells you how much time you have between repetitions and sets. Breathing It is standard practice to exhale when you lift a weight. Inhale when you set a weight down, It is acceptable to hold your breath when you lift but it should only be for the very initial part of the lift. Technique is paramount; it is very easy to get hurt in the weight room, If you are unsure of an exercise ask a certified professional for assistance. ~ a x BASEBALL ANA DA OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Shoulder Exercises / Rotator Cuff Bottom Line: If you can’t throw, you can’t play baseball! Probably the most important investment of your time will be to develop and maintain shoulder strength and posture. Now is the perfect time to develop posture and shoulder strength as your throwing volume is greatly reduced. ‘The Rotator Cuff is a group of small muscles responsible for rotation around the shoulder joint. There are four muscles that make up the rotator cuff: Supraspinatus ~ Infraspinatus ~ Subscapularis ~ Teres Minor ‘These muscles play a major roll in shoulder acceleration, deceleration and stability during the throwing motion. The rotational velocities inside the shoulder joint are incredibly fast! Rotation in the shoulder joint during the throwing motion has been measured at velocities as high as 8500 deg/sec = approx 1420 rpm = approx 24 rotations/sec!!!! Fast, really fast! Most throwing injuries occur during the deceleration phase of the throwing motion. Though the shoulder exercises play a large roll in decreasing this risk, the weight training and abdominal programs also have play an important roll. The shoulder program consists of a Shoulder Tubing & Elbow Program and Shoulder Weights. Shoulder Tubing: Should be 4-7 feet of Blue or Black Thera-Band Sport Tubing with hand dowel and wall clip Elbow: These exercises will be performed on the same days as your shoulder tubing exercises, using a 16-18 oz hammer. Shoulder Weights: Start with 3 pound dumbbells and work your way up to 5 pounds. Never exceed SIbs!! Shoulder exercises should be done ONLY after throwing... NEVER BEFORE! Follow the program, you will not have to do more! Use the exercise pictures for reference on technique! These exercises MUST be performed correctly’ phen YG 5] BASERAL OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Shoulder Exercises Rotator Cuff Program Shoulder Tubing & Elbow Exercises: Blue or Black Thera-Band tubing only! Lor BYSEHALL Elevated External Rotation: Set your elbow at shoulder height with slight forward flexion Tubing stretched out in front Keeping your elbow stationary rotate your hand backwards as far as possible Maintain posture Elevated Internal Rotation: Set your elbow at shoulder height with slight forward flexion Tubing stretched out to the back Keeping your elbow stationary rotate your hand forward as shown Maintain posture Internal Rotation: Set your elbow straight down from the shoulder Tubing stretched out to the side Keeping your elbow stationary rotate your hand towards the midline of your body as far as possible Maintain posture on + Set your elbow stright down fron the shoulder ~ Tubing stretched out to the side across your body = Keeping your elbow stationary rotate your hand away from your body as fir as possible Maintain posture Double Arm High & Low External Rotation: = Using both ends of the tubing, start with arm extended out in front of the body - High: Pull the elbows back to shoulder height and externally rotate, with thumbs pointing back ~ Internally rotate and extend arms back to start position - Low: Pull the elbows back just above the waist and externally rotate, with thumbs pointing back = Internally rotate and extend arms back to start position = Maintain posture Reverse Pull: Yy ry The Key to this exercise fs to set the shouler lade B + Todo this, pull the bottom of your shoulder blade down and across your back at a 45° angle = Your shoulder blade will only move a total of 2-Ycm x ~ Keep your wrist locked and arm straight pull your arm across your body to fall extension, sour hand should pass in front of your shoulder, do not let it drop down As you let your art fles bach across your body: Keep pulling the shoulder biade towards the md-line, do not let it move e “2 fr D2 Shoulder Patteren: = Start with your arm across your body, thumb to hip ~ Extend your arm up and across your body in 3 450 angle, externally rotating the arm Follow the same pattern back internally rotating he arm back to the start position < pyran OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Shoulder Exercises Rotator Cuff Program Shoulder Weight Exercises: 3 ~ 5 Ibs only!! Shoulder Flexion: Stand with your palm toward your thigh - Keeping your arm straight, raise your arm leading with the thumb at a 45° angle - Stop when your arm gets to shoulder height Shoulder Abduction: = Stand with your palm toward your thigh = Keeping your elbow straight, raise your arm with the palms to the floor Stop wien your arm gets to shoulder (90° elevation) = Lower arms to start position Empty Can (Rotator Cuff Elevation): Stand with your thumbs toward your thigh Keeping vour elbow straight, raise your arm with the thumby to the floor Stop whet your arm gets to 80" elevation just below shoulder height Tower arms to start position spn Wrist Flexion: Start with your arm suppor palm fcing Stabilize the forearm with the opposite hand, lifting the w wrist zht only moving the oA Radial Deviation: + Stand with your ann at your side, Hold a weighted bar or hanimer with end pointing forward. Keep elbow locked out Bending your wrist lift the weighted end toward the ceili Return slowly to the start position Unar Deviation. Stand with your army at your side, Hold a weighted bar or hammer with end pointing backward, Keep elbow tocked out + Bending your wrist lift the weighted ex toward the ceiling Return slowly to the start position Forearm Supination: > Start with the weighted bar or hammer pointing to the ceiling + Rotate your arm internally until the hammer is parallel with the ground, keep your elbow as still as possible ~ Return to start position & repeat Forearm Pronation: - Start with the weighted bar or hammer pointing to the ceiling - Rotate your arm away until the hammer is parallel with the ground, keep your elbow as still as possible ~ Retum to start position & repeat Wrist Extension: with your arm supported. palm 2 dowr fac ~ Stabilize the forearm with the opposite hand, lifting the weight only moving the wrist ‘ BASEN, Horizontal Abduction Laying on a fable or bent at the waist = Lift your arm up to the side until it is parallel to the floor Do not lift your arm higher than your shoulder Shoulder Extension: = Laying ona table or bent at the waist = Lift your arm backwards until itis parallel with the floor Keep your elbow straight und close to you side Prone External Rotation: Laying on a fable or bent at the waist ~ Lift your arm up until the elbow is, straight out from the shoulder - Keeping the efbow flexed at 90", rotate your arm forward lifting the weight as high as possible Slowly lower the weight and repeat ternal Rotation: ona table With your arm at your side, keep elbow fleved at 90) = Rotate your arm forward lifling the Weight as high 3s possible Slowly lower the weight and repeat Side | OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Cardiovascular Conditioning Cardiovascular conditioning must be a major priority of any athletes general conditioning program! A good cardiovascular foundation improves your muscles ability to recover and store energy. The cardiovascular work you do early in the off-season will affect your ability to play baseball next fall. Over the course of the off-season you will be required to spend a good amount of time developing your cardiovascular conditioning. Early in the program there is, progressively, a high volume of lower intensity work. As the off-season progresses the volume decreases and the intensity will increase getting you ready for spring training, In the early portion of the program when volume is high, limiting the amount of running you do is a ‘200d idea. The impact forces of repetitive running can take its toll on the body especially if your running technique is poor. Mix in a variety of activities, stationary bike, cross trainer, Concept II rower and running, when you do your conditioning. ‘The intensity you work at is listed in the training calendar. This is a perceived level of exertion. If the program states you are to do cardio for 20 min at 65%, this means you would work at 65% of ‘your maximum 20min speed for the 20min time period. It is not so important to match the exercises, as it is to match the intensities! You can 's on the track for bike sprints but it would be inappropriate to substitute bike sprints with a 30 minute run! Both pitchers and position players will experience performance benefits from a developed cardiovascular base, The time you invest in this area of development will play a major roll in your recovery during the off-season program and pay off exponentially during the upcoming competitive season. Refer to the following pages for descriptions of the various cardiovascular programs you will be using over the course of the off-season, 5 ® ] OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Throwing Program You are not required to throw until that date and we encourage you to not throw or keep your throwing very casual up to that time. This allows your arm ample time to recover from the past season. Once the throwing program begins follow it as closely as possible. ‘Terms: You will see these terms used in the throwing program for pitchers and position players. Catel Long Toss: Flat Ground: ‘Mound Work: Refers to general tossing 60-70% with a CROW HOP! Usually starting at 458 throw to partner (with crow hop) until your arm feels loose. (approx 10 throws) Back up gradually, one step back every couple of throws (with crow hop) until you reach the prescribed distance found in the program. (approx 10 throws) When you reach the prescribed distance play catch (with crow hop) for the stated time. All throws should be on a 45° trajectory, not in a straight line! ‘Crow Hop on every throw! General tossing to get loose: 45 ft. approx 10 throws Increase distance afier every couple of throws to assigned distance (approx 10 throws) 5-10 throws at maximum prescribed distance. directly in to 60-708 for the remainder prescribed time. Refers to making all throws from 55-608. All throws will be made from the stretch position, ‘The partner will be in the catchers position. Incorporate Low Balance Drill to first several throws (Lifting the stride leg 4- inches off the ground, hold for 5 count and continue with throw) Incorporate Spot Drill for last 2-3 minutes. (Partner moves his glove to various positions having you locate your throws) ‘Throwing off of the mound. Use both full-wind up and the stretch when throwing from the mound, Be sure to work on location of pitches. Work the inside and outside of the plate as well ass the height of your pitches. Use a stand in batter towards the end of your sessions when possible. a Cardiovascular Conditioning Drills Bike Sprints 15 minute Sprint Program Warm-Up: Level 3 10min Sprint Program: 15sec sprint @ 140-170 rpm 45sec recov 70-90 RPM 1) Level 8 Level 3 2) Level 9 Level 3 3) Level 9 Level 3 Recovery 2 minutes @ 80-90Rpm 4) Level 10 Level 3 5) Level 10 Level 3 6) Level 11 Level 3 Recovery 2 minutes @ 80-90Rpm 7) Level 1 Level 3 8) Level 12 Level 3 9) Level 12 Level 3 Recovery 2 minutes @ 80-90Rpm Cool-Down: Level 3 10min, Five Minute Sprint Warm-Up: Level 3 for Smin. Sprint Program: 20sec sprint @ 160-200 rpm i) Level 10 2) Level 11 3) Level 12 4) Level 11 5) Level 10 Cool-Down: Level 3 40sec recovery @ 70-90 RPM Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 10min, = Cardiovascular Conditioning Drills Interval Conditioning Program Interval training combines periods of work with periods of active recovery, In your program there are three types of intervals: Long Intervals, Short Intervals and Pyramid Intervals. Intervals may be done on any piece of equipment you choose, be sure to work at the specified intensity. Recovery Phase: Should be performed at approx. 50% effort, ‘Total Work: The total amount of work performed during the program (does not include recovery). Long Intervals Long Interval Program # 1 Number of Sets | Work Phase | Recovery Phase | /™'Ensi°f | Total Work 5 3min { 2min 15% 15min 3min of work @ 75% ellort followed by 2min of active rest @ 50% effort. Repeat 5 times, no rest between sets. Total work performed Long Interval Program #2 Number of Sets | Work Phase | Recovery Phase | ™MCMsity 7 Total Work 6 3min 2min 15% 18 min Jmin of work @ 75% effort followed by 2min of active rest @ 50% effort. Repeat 6 times, no rest between sets Long Interval Program # 3 f | Number of Sets | Work Phase | Recovery Phase ee of Total Work ork L — 7 3 min 2min 18% 21min Jmin of work © 75% effort followed by 2min of active rest @ 50% effort. Repeat 7 times, no rest beween sets. MSHA, e6 2 Cardiovascular Conditioning Drills Long Interval Program # 4 Number of Sets | Work Phase | Recovery Phase | oe i ‘Total Work 8 3min 2 min 15% 2dmin 3min of work @ 75% effort followed by 2min of active rest @ 50% effort. Repeat 8 between sets. Short Intervals times, no rest Rest / Set: The duration of rest between sets of intervals. This rest is inactive: 30% effort (walking). Short Interval Program # 1 Number of | Number of | Work | Recovery | Intensity of Sets | Intervals/Set| Phase | _ Phase 3 4 | Amin 2min 85% 3 sets of 4x Imin work /2 min recovery. Rest 3-Smin between sets. Short Interval Program #2 Number of | Number of | Work] Recovery [Intensity of] peciget Total Sets __| Intervals/Set|__ Phase Phase Work o Work | 3 5 min 2min 85% 3-5min 18min 3 sets of 5x Imin work /2 min recovery. Rest 3-Smin between sets. Pyramid Intervals Rest / Set: The duration of rest between sets of intervals. This rest is inactive: 30% effort (walking). Pyramid Interval Program: Complete entire program, rest 3 min and repeat. Mn Number of Sets | Work Phase | Recovery Phase | Intensity of Total Work 2 45 see Amin 100% a Amin 1 min 100% 1 1.5 min 2min 100% 1 2min 2min 100% 1 15 min 2min 100% 1 1 min Imin | 100% 1 48sec Tmin | 100% 15:30 min Complete entire program, rest 3 min and repeat Shuttles 400 & 200 yard Shuttle: Run 50 yards change direction and return, repeat until you have covered 400 or 200 yards. Rest 2 min and repeat. Performed at 100% effort. 400yrd shuttles: repeat 5 times 200yrd shuttles: repeat 8 times 50 Yards Start 100 Yard Repeats ‘After a complete warm-up, 100 yard repeats are to be done at 100% effort. Simply, sprint at 100% to 90 yards, decelerate to 100yards. Once you hit 100 yards, immediately backpedal for 20 yards and walk back to the start line. Repeat 10-15 times. 2m & e 6 . % OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Agility Drills Agility is commonly defined as: “The ability to change direction quickly and efficiently.” Agility drills incorporate speed and quickness, muscular endurance and balance and spatial awareness. A good agility program will challenge your nervous system and equilibrium improving gross movement skills, reaction time and foot speed. ‘When starting a new agility drill itis very important to begin slowly. Master the footwork and balance required by the drill before you increase the tempo of the drill! All Agility Drills MUST be Performed in Total Control!!! You should never get hurt during training, stay in control at all times! Make sure the surface you are using is smooth and clean. If you are doing your agilities on grass wear your spikes! Perform a complete warm-up prior to starting your agility program, Drills Ballistic Walking A series of dynamic walking and lunge exercise performed over a 10-15 yard grid. Each exercise should be performed walking out 10-15 yards with a short rest and back to the 32 descriptions) start Fine, (See Ballistic Walking exercise pictres forex 10-Yard Grid On a flat smooth surface measure out and mark a 10 yard grid. As fast as possible, move up and down the grid using the 4 standard footwork patterns. Remember decelerate in the shortest possible distance, always with quiet feet!! Up and Back = 1 repetition: Rest Imin between sets Sprint - Sprint x2 Sprint - Backpedal x2 Backpedal - Backpedal x2 Shuffle - Shuffle x2 Always cool-down after doing agilities!!! § -10 -5 Drill puuulze Out and back to cone 1 = 1 repet Pattert Start / Finish S yards SpIPA ¢ LN euch cone 10 yards Starting at cone #1, s out and around cone 2; sprint out and around cone 3; sprint out and up to cone 4; touch cone 4 and repeat pattern back to cone 1 Sprint - Sprint Sprint - Backpedal Shuffle - Shuffle 1 min between sets 1-2 sets x 2reps 1-2 sets x 2reps 1-2 sets x 2reps Rest 7 Cone Drill A a A e a A a a 1 7 —_—____~ 3-5 yards Pattern: From cone 1, sprint out and around each cone, to cone 7(equals 1 repetition). Rest 30- 45 seconds at cone 7 and repeat the pattem back to cone one. Sprint - Sprint 1-2 sets x 2reps Sprint - Backpedal 1-2 sets x 2reps Shuffle - Shuffle 1-2 sets x 2reps Rest I min between sets. Sprint-Backpedal: - Always face the same direction, + Try not to look for the cone when backpedaling, use your peripheral vision as much as possible and change direction as soon as you see the cone. - Use a Three-Step change of direction: Plant / Transfer / Accelerate You can change the size of the grid for variation. 60 Yard Shuttle Start Syds J0yds 1Syds Pattern: Sprint to first cone / back to start, sprint to 2™ cone / back to start, sprint to 3 cone / back to start = 60 yards total Sprint - Sprint x lrep Sprint - Backpedal x lrep Shuffle - Shuffle x Irep Repeat entire program 2 times Rest 1 min between sets. Ball Drop: Agility Drills Done with a partner and 2 baseballs ~ Start facing your partner ~ Partner 1 (Pi) on a line with the two baseballs in hand. = Partner 2 (P2) will begin to backpedal. - Piwith an arm held straight out will drop the ball. - As soon as P2 sees the ball drop, sprint to P1, pick up the ball, hand it to Pt and start to backpedal again. = Pl drop the ball at different times making P2 react to short and long delays. - Perform 2-3 sets of 10 drops Note: When P2 is changing direction, rotate the hips to the left or right and plant with an open foot. Alternate the plant foot on each rep. Ball Pick-Ups: Done with a partner and 2 baseballs Start facing your partner, 5-10 yards apart ~ Partner 1 (Pi) on a line with the two baseballs in hand. = Partner 2 (P2) will begin to shuffle side to side in fielding position ~ P1 will roll the ball to the left never more than 5-6yards on either side of P2 ‘As soon as P2 sees the ball, side shuffle to the ball, field it and sofily toss it back to Pland it to PL ~ As soon as P2 tosses the ball back to P1 he should get back to the middle for the next ball. ~ Pi should mix up the direction of the rolls to force P2 to react to the ball = PI, be sure P2 can reach each roll, make it challenging but possible = Perform 2-3 sets of 10 drops : Absolutely NO Diving for balls! If P2 cannot reach a ball, Jet it got 5 RM OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES The Right Mix Food fuels the body with energy. If you expend more energy you need more fuel. The athlete needs high performance foods. These high performance nutrients for baseball players include the right mix of fluids, carbs and proteins. Fluids Warm weather athletes (baseball players) lose more body fluids through sweating. This increases the body's temperature which causes exhaustion., decreased performance and increased potential for injury. For these reasons fluids are as important as a bat and glove to a baseball player. To avoid the risk of dehydration you must replenish fluids before the on-set of thirst. If you've ‘waited until you are thirsty you have waited to long. Recommended amount of fluids per day for an adult male is 120 02. For athletes working in the heat this may be substantially more. Carbohydrates Carbs are the master fuel for generating energy for practice and competition. The body breaks down carbs into glycogen, which is used in the muscle as fuel. Baseball players should keep their carbohydrate intake at 60 ~ 70% of their daily total calories. There are two types of carbs, complex and simple carbs. Complex carbohydrates provide a gradual release of energy over a long period of time . Simple carbs offer a quick fix. You want to take simple carbs which are found in fruits, root vegetables, beans, pasta, rice, breads and cereals. Protein 15-20% of your diet should be made up of proteins. The body needs protein to repair and build muscle tissue but, can only utilize a small amount. Any excess protein in the diet is broken down and stored as fat. Good sources of dietary protein are beef, chicken, turkey, fish, cheese, milk, egg whites and yogurt. Fats Your diet should consist of 15-20% of fat. The average diet contains more fat than is needed leading to unnecessary weight gain. There are several ways to lower your fat intake. ~ Prepare food by broiling, steaming or poaching rather than frying. - Remove skin from poultry and fish. Drink skim milk or water. - Substitute fish and chicken for red meat - Avoid foods packed in oil. PRE AND POST GAME MEALS You should eat two to three hours before activity. This will prevent your blood sugars from getting low which is a common cause of premature fatigue in many athletes. Avoid over eating and eating carbohydrates late at night, because your metabolism is slower at night and this late meal increases the chance the this food will be stored as fat. Things to consider for your diet: Eat Breakfast ~ It is the foundational meal of the day. Consume 1/3 of your calories here. Eat extra carbs not proteins, except late at night. Drink plenty of fluids especially if hungry to fill the void. Eat 4 — 6 smaller meals eat day as opposed to 3 larger ones. Eat 2-3 hours before competition. Eat 1-1 % hours after competition to allow your body to absorb more nutrients and replenish itself better. Do not over eat! Fat light at night, more protein than carbs but not much of either. Sample Daily Eating Schedule ~ (6 meals, eating every three hours) 8am 1 cup Oatmeal ~ complex 1 cup of fruit - simple 80z glass of skim milk ~ protein 8oz glass of OJ ~ simple iam Meal replacement shake with fruit - protein and carbs 2pm 3oz chicken breast — protein 1 potato — complex 1 cup mixed fruit - simple 8oz glass of skim milk — protein Spm Meal replacement shake — protein and carbs 8pm 3-4oz of chicken or fish — protein 1 cup of rice - complex 1 cup of vegetables ~ simple 802 glass of skim milk - protein 11pm Meal replacement shake or bar — protein and carbs SAMPLE BODY FAT LOSS / NUTRITIONAL PROGRAM — 8 WEEKS AM 1*Meal-PickTwo 6 egg whites with mushrooms and onions I cup Oatmeal with low fat milk 1 cup of whole grain cereal with low fat milk Hash brown potato’s (not fried) Toast or bagel with Jam or jelly, NO butter! AM 2 Meal: 3 hours later Meal replacement shake or Bar PM 3” Meal: 3 hours Jater- Lunch 1 can of Tuna mixed with mustard, low fat mayo or salsa on whole wheat bread, 1 mixed salad with low fat dressing OR Grilled chicken breast on roll with salad 2 OR a 1 cup of pasta with salad and low fat dressing 1 baked potato with low fat sour cream (no butter) 1 cup fruit PM 4" Meal: 3 hours later Meal replacement shake or bar PM 5" Meal: 3 hours later - Dinner Skinless roast chicken or fish or lean beef 1 cup of rice or dry baked potato PM 6" Meal: 3 hours later Meal replacement shake with fruit or bar or cold cereal Sample 14-Day Diet Plan Guide One of the key things you can do in your diet is get into a routine. The following is a good balanced plan with good caloric intake. You can take a multi-vitamin everyday and alternate food on a regular basis. Day 1 Breakfast: Bowl of dry cereal / Skim Milk 1 Piece of Fruit 1 Glass of Orange Juice 1 Slice of Toast w/ Jam 1 Piece of Fruit Lunch: ‘Tuna Sandwich (Tuna in water, 1 tablespoon of non-fat mayo, lettuce and tomato) Bowl of Soup Glass of Water Snack: Low-Fat Muffin Dinner: Skinless breast of Chicken (cooked anyway but fried) I cup of mixed vegetable stir-fry (sautéed in vegetable oil) Snack: Celery and Carrot sticks, non-fat dressing. Day2 Breakfast: 3 slices of French toast (made with 3 egg whites & skim milk) Low-calorie syrup 1 Piece of Fruit 1 Glass of Orange Juice Snack: Non-fat yogurt with fruit Luneh: ‘Tuna or chicken pitas (onion, diced tomato, shredded lettuce, low-fat cheddar) Glass of Water Dinner: Pasta with tomato sauce ‘Small tossed salad with non-fat dressing & Parmesan cheese bread roll with fat-free margarine Snack: Popcom with small amount of fat-free margarine eo & & & Day 3 Breakfast: Same as Day 1 Luneh: Primavera salad 2 low-fat cookies Glass of Water Snack: ¥a cantaloupe Dinner: Broiled or baked white fish (5 ounces) Ya cup low-fat yogurt gently warmed with | tablespoon Dijon mustard as sauce 1 baked potato with 2 tablespoons non-fat sour cream 1 cup steamed vegetables Water or Skim Milk Snack: 2-3 low-fat cookies 2@ Day 4 Breakfast: J low-fat muffin with jam M4 cantaloupe Glass of skim milk or orange juice Lunch: Large tossed salad (Romaine lettuce, diced tomato, diced cucumber, diced carrot, onion, chickpeas, diced chicken or turkey, 2 teaspoons Parmesan cheese, 2 table spoons non-fat dressing, Snack: Low-Fat yogurt and fruit j Dinner: | Shrimp scampi \ cup brown rice 1 cup steamed vegetables 2 a Day 5 Breakfast: Same as day 2 Lunch: Macaroni salad Apple of pear Snack: Low-Fat Muffin Dinner: 1 cup chili 5 non-fat crackers Day 6 Breakfast: Same as Day! Lunch: Bow! of Soup with crackers Chicken salad sandwich (2 ounces diced cooked chicken breast, non-fat mayo, lettuce & tomato Glass of Water Snack: Fruit Dinner: Spaghetti (low-fat tomato sauce & Parmesan cheese) 2 dinner rolls ‘Small salad with non-fat dressing Day7 Breakfast: | poached eges 1 cup low-fat hash browns ¥ grapefruit 2 slices of toast Orange juice Lunel Tossed salad (see day 4) Cup of chicken noodle soup Snack: ¥% honeydew melon Dinner: 4-ounces broiled pork tenderloin with barbecue sauce 1 cup mashed potato 1 cup steamed vegtables aD Mm Be mea Day 8 Breakfast: Same as Day 2 Lunch: Club sub Small tossed salad Glass of Water Snack: Fruit Dinner: 5 ounces of white fish baked in lemon juice 1 baked potato with 2 ounces of non-fat sour cream 1 cup steamed vegetables 1 dinner roll Snack: Yogurt & friut Day 9 Breakfast: Same as Day 1 Lunch: Club Sub ‘Small tossed salad Glass of Water Snack: Fruit Dinner: Chicken enchilada Low-fat tortilla chips ¥4 cup salsa Ys cup brown rice Snack: Celery and Carrot sticks, non-fat dressing. Day 10 Breakfast: > ‘Same as Day 7 ® Lunch: Chicken salad (day 4) ¥2 cantaloupe Glass of Water Snack: Apple Dinner: 4-ounce skinned, floured turkey breast sautéed in 2 teaspoons margarine & lemon juice ¥2 cup egg noodles with Parmesan cheese 1 cup steamed vegetable & 1 dinner role ® Snack: 1 orange m Day 11 Breakfast: Same as day 2 Lunch: Tuna Sandwich (Tuna in water, 1 tablespoon of non-fat mayo, lettuce and tomato) Bow! of Soup Glass of Water Snack 1% cup grapes Dinner: Shrimp Scampi | cup brown rice Ya cup vegetables Snack: Choice of fruit Day 12 Breakfast: ‘Same as day 7 Lunch: Primavera salad Glass of Water Snack: Low-Fat Muffin Dinner: 1 baked 16-ounce Comish game hen 1 cup brown rice | cup vegetables 1 dinner roll Snack: Popcom & low-fat margarine Day 13 Breakfast: Same as a 1 Lunch: Tuna Sandwich (Tuna in water, 1 tablespoon of non-fat mayo, lettuce and tomato) 1 apple Glass of Water Snach 2 low-fat cookies Dinner: Fettuccine Alfredo ‘Small tossed salad 1 hard rot Snack 1 cup strawberries with 4 cup nonfat yogurt Day 14 Breakfast: Same as day 7 Lunch: Tuna or chicken pitas (onion, diced tomato, shredded lettuce, low-fat cheddar) Glass of Water Snack Low-Fat Muffin Dinner: ‘Skinless breast of Chicken (cooked anyway but fried) 1 cup of mixed vegetable stir-fry (sautéed in vegetable ol) Snack: Choice of Fruit ae X©BASEBALL Sec AN AD OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Ballistic Walking Perform each exercise up and down a 10 — 15 yard grid. Go slow and controlled taking each step through a full range of motion. Try to get a high number of repetitions in each pass up and down the grid, repetition is the key to Ballistic Walking High Knee Walking: = Start by lifting the forward leg, with knee bent, as high as possible ~ Keep your back and support leg as straight as possible. ~ Use your arms, in marching style, with elbows bent at 90° * Use the same technique for quick feet high knees Knees Out: = Start with your hands outstretched in front of you as shown = As you begin the drill concentrate on keeping your hands as still as possible ~ Lift your knee as high as you can out the side = Maintain a straight tall posture Straight Leg Clap: =~ Start by Lith the knee = Keep your back and support | ss high as possible, elapping your hands under as straight as possible Butt Kicks: ~ This is a quick feet drill - Keeping your knees together, kick your heels up backward as high as possible Use your arms and maintain a slight forward lean = Perform as many repetitions a s possible 45° Walking Lunge: = Keeping your shoulders square, step out at a 45° angle = Do not let your front knee pass over the front of your toes, the forward knee should ideally stay right over the ankle = Perform as many steps as you can in your grid = On the return set do the lunges backwards, an exact reverse of the forward lunge Buse, abs BERL -SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Flexibility Program \ good flexibility program will start trom the head down, Hold the stretches for a minimum of up to 60 seconds. 25-30 second holds are adequate. We would like you to perform this program a minimum of times a week, Stretching programs are most effective when done at the end of your workouts, Feel free to add stretches or spend more time on areas you may fee! need the extra attention. Enrolling in an off-season Yoga program is highly recommended. Stretches: Arm Circles: - With arms fully extended and slightly forward with palm to the floor - Begin rotating arms in a small circular pattern - Increase the size of the eircle over 30 seconds until the circle large as your arm will allow Reverse Arm Circles ~The same as arm circles, with palms up rotating the opposite direction Tircep/Lat: - Grabbing your elbow over top of Your head so the upper tem is slightly infront of your ear Gently pull the etbow towards the mid-line of your body slightly flexing your torso as you do. Repeat on both sides Arm Swings = Start with your arm extended out as shown = Swing them across your body, internally rotating ~ This will cause the thumb to tum towards your arms as you do the floor Swing them back out estemally rotatin and repeat alternating the top arm each time ~ 30 seconds Wrist Flexion/Extension: ~ Pulling with your opposite hand gently stretch the wrist flexor and extensor ~ Shake the wrist loose as you change from flex. to extension ‘Trunk Rotations: ~ One of the best stretches for baseball = Make sure you fully rotate your hips rotating on the outside foot ~ You can bend at the waist to change the angle Crossover Hamstring: ~ Right ley over left or vise-versa Keep the legs straight, knees locked out Bend at the waist with a straight back. pushing your hips back until you feel a good stretch, hold = Slowly let your back fles and reach as far down as you ean and hold for the remainder of the stretch ~ Repeat on opposite side Straddle Stretch: + Ina straddle position reach down the outside of each leg, trying to touch your nose te the side your knee - Down the middle, reach down between your legs as far as possible, if you can toueh the ground pull your torso down with your hands. Hip Flexor: - Onoone knee, keep as upright as possible and your front knee direetly over your ankle ~ Push down into the floor with the back foot. taking pressure off of the back knee = Repeat on other side Leg Across / Piriformu: Drop your leg across the front of your body as shown - Keep your torso as upright as possible, and you back leg | extended Push the opposite hip into the heel of the crossed Foot, Seated Straddle: Keeping knees locked out straight, reach down ea With the soles of your feet flat together pull them into your body as close as possible Grabbing y our ankles place your elbows on the inside your knees Gently push your knees to the floor with your elbows until you feel a good stretch in the groin ‘To Chest: ~ Leg crossed over as shown, Pull the knee into the opposite side of your body and hold Seated Trunk Twist: Place your opposite elbow on the outside of the flexed knee Pull your elbow into your knee causing your trunk to rotate until you feel a good stretch Side Laying Quad: -Laying on your side as shown, Grab the back foot and gently pull it towards your body until you feel # good stretch in the thigh Laying Knee to Chest: Laying on your back, pull your knee into your chest as hard as possible and hold ture 4 / Piriformus: - Opposite foot on opposite knee, grab the behind the bottom knee and pull it towards you until you feel a good stretch in the opposite gluteus Leg Across Flat on your back sw straight as possible Try to get Your foot as far up as your ear, t your leg as shown, a leg across your body keeping it a four hand to pull Calf Streteh: - Upon your hands, cross one leg over the other as shown - Push the heel of the bottom foot into the floor as far as possible Repeat on opposite side Squat Groin = Ina sumo squiat position, keeping the knees over the toes = Place your elbows on the inside of your knees ~ With palms together, gently push your knees outward until you feel a good stretch SG BSLIALL, Ensen CANADA OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Abdominal Program Abdominal Circuit Exercises: Keep hands on ears, heels on the floor at all tim Flex at the waist until your elbows touch the top of your knees Slowly retum to the bottom posi Crunch: - Keeping hands on ears Slowly roll your back off the floor until you cannot go any farther Roll back down to bottom position (Up: Legs up and bent as shown, keep your chin up Lift your chin to th cour shoulder blades off of the floor Do not let the chin tuck into your chest cle: Opposite etbow to opposite knee Keep free hand across your stomach Free foot stays on the floor Advanced % Bicycle: = Opposite elbow to opposite knee - Keep free hand across your stomach - Keep the free leg straight and at a 45" angle, as still as possible through the entire exercise ay Toe Touches: With legs st = Reach out to the left -up the middle touch toes-to the right- middle touch toes. ~ Each time your reach up the middle counts as one BASEL Seated Abdou nal nase, ight Leg L =~ Lean back on your hands keeping your torso perfectly still for the entire exercise = Keeping your legs straight lif them as high as possible + Geatly touch the heels to the floor an repew Seated Leg Extension: Keeping the torso as still as possible Lift your heels off of the floor 2-3 inches + Bring them into your body and extend them, out again keeping the heels the same height all of the time Scissors: = Keeping the torso as still as possible ~ Kick your legs ina scissors action Leg Crossovers: Keeping the torso as still ay possible and your legs the same distance from the floor ~ Swing your legs as far out as possible and cross them over Alternate the top and bottom leg each rep Kegping the torso as still as possible = Draw cireles with the bottoms of your feet - Make the circles as large = Perform in both directions 5 possible phe ©e wy © BASEBALL Se OFF-SEASON CONDITIONI YG PROGRAM Strength Training Exercises Lower Body Squat: To lower the Weight drop the hips back into a sitti position, keeping the chest out and back straight Do not let your knees pass over in front of the tocs Ideally knees will stay over ankles Keep back straight Lower hips down into sitting position until thighs are parallel to the ground (90° flexion of the knee) Fully extend the hips until you are in a full upright position Deadlift: Keeping the back straight and knees back Lif the bar by extending the hips to a full upright position Double Leg Press: Place your feet on the platform shoulder width apart at a height that keeps your knees over your toes in the hottom position, Keep the weight in the middle of your feet at the top of the lift you ean push off with your toes In the bottom position your knees should be at 90° flexion. Do not go too low! Jef SGL) Leg Pre Start with both fee in the middle Take one foot off and proceed just like the on the platform together Double Leg Press Sumo Squi ~ Keeping the back strat Place feet just wider that shoulder width and slightly externally rotated Lower the dumbbell as shown Split Squat: = Start with your feet a comfortable distance apart - Keeping the front knee directly over the ankle, lower the back knee about 1 inch from the floor and return (o the upright position - Keep the torso straight and upright at all times Leg Extension: ~ Using fairly light weights there are three phases in this lift - 1) Bottom position to middle 2) Middle position 3) Full bottom (0 top = Perform 10 in cach range with no rest Stiff Legged Dead Lift (SLDL): Keeping your feet together und knees locked out ~The movement is a anterior displacement of the hips Simply push the hips back until you feel a good stretch in the hamstrings Your torso should never go lower than 40" flexion as shown Your weight should shift back on your heels as the hip move back Shoulders stay directly over the bar Ba " gle (SGL) Leg Step-U Using an elevated surface -1inches high On one leg go down as far as you can while maintaining batance Do not let the knee pass over the toes The back 45° angle ne Return back toa fully upright position 1g reaches oUt as far as possible at a + touching the dround ingle (SGL) Leg "4 Squat: Using an elevated surface 8-10inches high On one leg go down as fa maintaining balance Do not let the knee pass over the toes you can while leg points forward as far as possible Double Leg Curl: + Slow and controlled, work through a full range of motion Single (SG1.) Ley Curt Slow and controlled, work through a full range of motion - Perform on each leg before you rest for the set Calf Raises: From the three positions lower your heel as close to the Moor as possible Go up on wha XG] BASEBALL ZC A NADA OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Strength Training Exercises Upper Body: Back Exercises Single (SGL) Arm Row: On one knee, keep your shoulders parallel to the floor Raise the weight as high as possible ~ As you lower the weight pull your shoulder blade towards the middle of your back Incline Prone Row: Set-up with the top of the bench at about mid-chest ~ Keeping the back straight and the shoulder blades, set back 1) Perform a rowing action with the elbows out from the shoulders - WIDE 2) Perform a rowing motion with the elbows closer to the side of your body - CLOSE Reverse Pulls: The Key to this exercise isto set the shoulder blade ‘To do this, pull the bottom of your shoulder blade down and across your back at a 45° angle Your shoulder blade will only move a total of 2 Keep your wrist locked and arm straight pull your arm across your body to full extension, your hand should pass im ftont of Your shoulder. do not fet it drop down As you let your art flex back across your body: Keep pulling the shoulder blade towards the mid-tine, do not Jet it move Front Lat Pu = Leaning back about 15°, keep your back straight and stationary ~ Grip: when your upper arm is paralle! with the floor, your elbows should be at 90 - Keep your chin up. think of pull the floor as far as possible your elbows back towards Close Grip Lat Pull: Leaning back about | stationary Grip: Use an inverted grip. hands shoulder width apart - Keep your chin up, think of pulling your elbows back towards the floor as far as possible keep your back straight and Seated Row: ~The seated row isa 4 part movement - First, set-up with your knees slightly bent ~ Leaning back about 15°, keep your back straight and stationa - 1) Retract shoulder blades (pinch them together) - 2) Arms row back as far as possible = 3) Arm extend forward (Keep shoulder blades together) ~ 4) Shoulders relax forward Shoulders Back-Arms Back-Arms Forward-Shoulders Forward Shoulders ~ Arms ~ Arms - Shoulders Bentover Row: With the torso at 20° forward flexion, st together and back straight Use the same movement pattem as the seated row Shoulders ~ Arms - Arms - Shoulders Inverted Pull-ups: - Keeping the body ridged, pull your self up to the bar so itis lined up with the midline of your chest Itis a good idea to keep your shoulder blades set for the entire movement SEAL, g@eepasena OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Strength Training Exercises Upper Body: Chest Exercises Dumbbell (DB) Bench Press: = Top position: the dumbbells should be over your eyes and together = Bottom position: Elbows at 90°, upper arm goes no lower than parallel to the floor! 348 Incline Dumbbell (DB) Bench Press: eG With the bench set at an incline of approx 45° - Top position: the dumbbells should be over your eyes and together = Bottom position: Elbows at 90°, upper arm goes no lower than parallel to the floor! Double (DBL) Arm Cable Cross: = Feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent j - Torso in forward flexion of approx. 20° Pull arms across the midline of the body Alternate top & bottom hands on each rep Single (SGL) Arm Cable Cross: Set the cable up so it is at approx. 45° = Pull the cable down and across the body maintaining the 45° angle the entire time - Keep your torso square as your arm moves back and forth Pee Dec Very simple, as shown, Do not let your arms go back past your shoulders If you do not have access to a pec deck vou can substitute LIGHT Incline Flys rm tp se Strength Training Exercises Upper Body: Supplementary Lifts Bicep Curl Press: = Start in sitting position with feet together = Curl the DB up with intemal rotation = At the top of the curl, press the dumbbell straight up so they are just above the top of your head = Do not go any higher than shown! - Let arms back down to the top cur! position and extend them straight to the bottom position, repeat ~ Never more than I SIbs Alternating (ALT) Dumbbell Curls: imple bicep curls - Internally rotating arm as they move to the top position As one DB is going up the other should be going down, passing in the middle | Strict Pulls: ~ Feet together. torso in forward flexion of approx, 20° Keeping the torso perfectly still, pull hands down towards thighs ~ Keep arms and wrists locked straight = Set the shoulder blades ack for the entire movement 7 eee tensions: Rope Tricep Keeping the elbows stationary ~ Full extend arms pulling the rope as far apart as possible in the bottom position Single Arm = Stand ~The movement simulates a one arm swing, - Keep your torso rigid ‘p Extension: 2 at 45° to cable fully extend the arm Cable Bicep Curls: - Simply, flex arms with the cable coming straight up fiom the floor | © Byset BASEBALL CONN ADA OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Sport-Cord Drills Four-Way Quad Program: Perform cach of the Four-way Quad Step Outs for: 10 repeti ns on each leg up Set up in an athletic position - You should try to stay at a point of just losing your balance, do not lean on the cord ~The drill calls for step outs in four directions = The foot work patter is the same on both left and right legs: Out together Back together = Try to keep your head as still as possible limiting side to side movement and up and down, movement a Front Step-outs: 10 Repetitions /leg = With the sport-cord stretched out from your back + Inan athletic fielding p = 1) Step forward with the right leg ~ 2) Step up with the fett leg : Feet together = 3) Step back with the right lee + 4) Step back with the left leg : Feet together - Repeat the same pattem with the left leg leading sition 1G SEAL £10 Repetitions / leg Lateral Step-outs: Left & Righ = With the sport-vord stretched out from your side - In anathletie fielding position = 1) Step out with the right leg = 2)Step up with the lefi leg : Feet together = 3) Step back with the left leg ~ 4) Step back with the right leg : Feet together Repeat the same pattern with the left leg leading Reverse Stepouts: 10 Repetitions / leg = With the sport-cond stretched out from your stomach - _ Inanathletic fielding position ~ 1) Step back with the right leg = 2)Step back with the left leg : Feet together ~ 3) Step forward with the right leg = 4) Step forward with the left leg : Feet together Repeat the same pattern with the left eg leading Se BASEL, Single L Hop Program: = Sport-cord stretched out from your right side, ster with litte or no tension on the cord = Hop out 1 hops - hold balance position ~ 10 single leg" squats ~ 10 hops back - Bach hop should only be the width of your foot ~ Switch to the outside leg and repeat = Turn so the sport-cord is stretched out from the left side ~ Now facing the other direction repeat again on both legs ~ With the sport-cord stretehied out from your side + Inan athletic fielding position = 1) Hop out with the right leg ~ 2) Left leg follows not touching the ground, it can cross over behind the right leg. hold briefly = 3) Hop back with the left leg = 4) Right leg follows not touching the ground, it ean eross over behind the left leg, hold briefly + Repeat the same pattem with the left leg leading OFF High Knee Walking Knees Out 45° Lunge Straddle Walk Lateral Step-Outs Line Step-Overs Skater Strides Ankle Tubing Program #2 Straddle Walk Lateral Step-Outs Skater Strides Line Hops In-Out Drill Fire Drill Forward StraddleWalking: \(G@BASEBALL ANADA = SEASON CONDITIONING PROGRAM Ankle Tubing Drills 1x 10 steps out 10 back 1x 10 steps out 10 back 1x 10 lunges out 10 back Lx 10 steps out 10 backwards Lx 10 steps out 10 back 2x12 2x 20 reps Lx 10 steps out 10 backwards I x 10 steps out 10 back 2.x 20 reps 25-30 seconds 25-30 seconds -30 seconds = Walk forward taking large steps - Ke = Step backwards returning to start /p your toes pointed forwart! In an athletic fielding position with your feet apart Take steps, always keeping tension on the cord Keep your toes pointed forward When you reach 15 rt stepping back to the start with no pause Face the opposite direction letting the other lag lead for the second set In an athletic fielding position with your feet spread apart For each set the movement will start with the same foot Up & Back with the lead foot counts as 1 rep 1) Start with your feet parallel behind an imaginary line, chalk line or bat 2) Step up with the right straddiing the line 3) Step up with the left: feet together 4) Step back with the right 5) Step Back with the left: feet together | Repeat the movement as fast as possible Keep your toes pointed forward When you reach 15 yards. step backwards to the start Line Hops: In an athletic fielding position with your feet spread apart Start with your feet straddling the line Keeping your eyes level (no up and down movement) Quickly hop altemating the right and left feet Keep your toes pointed forward In & Out Drill: at a rap = Inanathletic fielding position with your feet spread apart = Start with little or no tension on the cord = Keeping your eyes level (no up and down movement) = Quickly hop, moving your feet out approx. 10 inches and back to the start position = Repeat as fast as possible = Keep your toes pointed forward - Inanathletic fielding position with your feet spread apart + Start with your feet wide in fielding position = Keeping your eyes level (no up and down movement) ~ Quickly hop lifting both feet off the ground at the same time zep your feet the same distance apart and hop as quickly as possible - [nan athletic fielding position = 1) Hop out with the right lez = 2) Left leg follows not touching the ground, it can eross over behind the right leg. hold briefly - 3) Hop back with the left leg = 4) Right leg follows not touching the ground. it can cross over behind the left leg, hold briefly = Over and Back counts as {repetition = Repeat the same pattem with the left leg leading High Knees / Knees Out / 45" Lunges: Refer to the Ballistic Walking program: done exactly the same except with the ankle tubing Low Balance Drill: Pitchers only! From the stretch position. Lili your stride leg 3-4 inches off of the ground, hold for 5 seconds = From the low position bring the stride leg up to the top balance position. hold for S seconds = Use the tubing for slow motion shadow work as welll Week 1 & 2 Full Body 2x12 Full Body 2x12 Cardio 16 min ff Active Rest Shoulder Tubing |] Active Rest Cardio 17 min Full Body 2x12 | Cardio 19 min Pitchers Off-Season Trai oe Calendar Cardio 20 min Full Body Preparation Program Warm-up: Cyele/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: Single Leg Press DB Bench. SLDL Lat Pulls Leg Extensions Cable Crosses Split Squats Single Arm Row Calf Raises Bicep Tricep Forearm Abdominals 2x i2feg 2x12 2x12 2x12 2x 10-10-10 2x 12 (single arm) 2x I2/eg 2x 12/arm 2x12 2x15 2x15 2.x 15(1Flex/1Ext) Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program 1x 15/ exercise /arm Full Body 2x12 Shoulder Tubing 2see Rest: 45sec Full Body 2x12 Cardio 18 min Full Body 2x12 Cardio 20 min Active Rest ‘Abdominals: No Rest Full Sit up Crunches Full Sit up 10 10 10 10 10 Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE Baie Dawe Dai. Dae DateW, DateWe DatelWi. ‘Comments: Week 3&4 Pitchers Off-Season Training Calendar Ce eee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday] 'y y =] Upper Body Lover Body Upper Body Lower Body Shoulder Tubing | Condivonine Active Rest Stoulder Tubing | Contionng — Pave peg Elbow Cardio: Bike Cardio Cardio: Bike Cardio: U3min @75% 20min @ 60% 25min @ 60% Upper Body Lower Body | Upper Body Lower Body Shoulder Tubing | Conditioning Active Rest Shoulder Tubing Conditioning ‘Active Rest Elbow Cardio: Bike" f Cardio: Cardio: 15min @ 60% | 20min @70% 30min @ 60% Upper Boay Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 60sec DB Bench 2x10 La‘ Pulls 2x10 Abdominals: No Rest Seated Row 2x10 Full Sit up 12 Cable Cross 2x10 | Crunches 12 Reverse Pulls 2x 15/arm Low Crunch 12 Triceps 2x10 YBicycle 2 Forearms 2 x fatigue(I Flex/IEXt) Toe Touch 2 Biceps 2x10 Abdominals Cool-Dewn: Cycle/Run 10-12mii tretching Program Lower Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 60sec Sumo Squats 2x10 Leg Curls 2x10 Deadlift 2x10 Leg Extensions 2x 10-10-10 Calf Raises 2x10 Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10- Sena “Tubing Elbow 1x 18 /exercise ye nN Te ‘min : Stretching Program pha BASEBALL | eC ANADA Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE BaielWe | Datei | Daic/We ] Date/We | DaterWi. | DatelWi | DaterWe : ‘Comments: Week 5 & 6 J Upper Body Elbow Cardio: 15min @ 60% 1Smin @ 60% Shoulder Tubing Pitchers Off-Season Training Calendar 2 Upper Body Lower Body | Upper Body Lower Body Shoulder Tubing Conditioning Shoulder Tubing | Coneisioning Elbow Cardio: Elbow Cardio: Long Intervals #1 | Cardio: Active Rest Lower Body Conditioning Cardio Long Intervals Elbow I Caraio: =] 15min @ 70% Upper Body Shoulder Tubing 15min @ 709% [Frey Long Imervals #1 Lower Body Conditioning Cardio: Long Intervals #1 2 Upper Body ® Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 60sec DB Bench, 2x10 Lat Pulls, 2x 10 (Iwider! narrow) Abdominals: No Rest Single Arm Row 2x 10 (Iwide/I narrow) Full Sit up 12 Incline DB Bench 2x10 Crunches 12 Reverse Pulls 2x 15farm 4% Sit-up 12 ‘Triceps 2x10 Low Crunch 2 Forearms 2.x fatigue(IFlex/IExt) Y Bicycle 12 Biceps 2x10 Toe Touch 12 Abdominais a! jy Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Lower Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 60sec Split Squats 2x10 Single Leg Curls 2x 10/Leg Single Leg Press 2x 10/Leg Leg Extensions 2x 10-10-10 Calf Raises 3 x 20 (straight/toes in/ toes out) Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program uulder Tubing / Elbow 2.x 15 each/arm Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. Datelwe. | Datei EXERCISE Dawe | Daciwe | Dae We ] Date [DatelWe. ea ‘Comments: Week 7&8 Pitchers Off-Season oe Calendar See Sree Saturday | J] Upper Body Lower Body | Upper Body: J Lower Body |] Shoutder Tubing |) Cardio: |] Shoulder Tubing Cardio: Elbow {Simin @75% Active Rest J Elbow Long Imervals #2 ff Active Rest |] Cardio: Bike 20min @75% Bike Sprints: iSmin Program Upper Body Shoulder Tubing Elbow Carttio: Bike 20min @75% Lower Body Cardio: 15min @75% Lower Body Cardio’ Long Intervals #2 Active Rest Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 75sec ’ DB Bench 3x10 ®@ Lat Pulls 3x10 Abdominals: No Rest Seated Row 3x10 Fall Sit up 12 Cable Cross 3x10 Crunches. 12 Strict Pulls 3x15 44 Sit-up 2 Reverse Pulls 3x 15/arm Low Crunch 12 Triceps Rope Extensions 2x10 % Bicycle 2 Alt. Bicep Curls 2x10 Toe Touch 12 SGL Arm Tri Extensions 2x10 Full Bicycle 24 Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Suetching Program ow Lower Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Re: Squats 3x10 SLDL 2x10 Single Leg Press 3x 10/Leg Leg Extensions 3x 10-10-10 Calf Raises 3 x 20 (straight/toes in/ toes out) Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-1 2min : Stretching Program Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 2 15 each/arm Shoulder Weight Program 1 v 15 eachvarm [eect Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE Dace | Datei | DateWe | Date/We | DatclWe | Date/We | Dare/We ‘Comments: Week 15 & 16 Pitchers Off-Season Training Calendar r ——— ——— = —— ‘Throwing Program f Agitivy woulder Weights I Sport.Cord Shoulder Tubing J Ueper Body ff nkle Tubing Elbow Cardio: Cardio 25min@ 70% Short Intervals #2 Agility ‘Sport-Cord J Ankle Tubing Lower Body Throwing Program Shoulder Weights Upper Body Lower Bod Shoulder Tabing I Elbow Bike Sprints ‘Smin Program Lower Body Throwing Program | Agi Torowing Program f Agility J shoutder Shoulder Weights | sport Cord Shoulder Tubing Sport-Cord Shoulder Weights Elbow Upper Body “ f Ankle Tubing J Elbow Ankle Tubing ff Upper Body Cardio: Cardio Lower Body 25min@ 70% Short Inervals #2 Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2sec Rest: 90sec Db Bench 3x8 Close Grip Lat Pulls 3x8 Abdominals: No Rest we Cable Cross 3x8 Full Sit up 12 Seated Row 3x8 Crunches 12 Inverted Pull-Ups 2x20 4 Sit-up 12 Bicep Curl Press 2x 12 (15lb DB Max.) Low Crunch 12 Strict Pulls 3x10 ¥% Bicycle 12 Alt. Bicep Curls 3x10 Toe Touch 12 Triceps Rope Extensions 3x10 Full Bicycle 24 Abdominals Rest 2min Repeat Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min ; ‘Stretching Program Lower Body 9 Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2sec Rest: 4Ssec Single Leg Press 3x8 Abdominals: No Rest 4 SLDL 3x8 Seated Leg Extensions 12 > Sumo Squats 3 x B/leg Scissors 2 Leg Extensions 3x 10-10-10 Leg Crossovers 12 Calf Raises 3X 20 (straighutoes in/toes out) | Leg Circles 6lairetion Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Axility: Ballistic Walking: Ball Drops / Ball Pick-Lips / ytd Shuntle Sport-Cord: 4 Way Quad Program : Single Leg Hop Program 4 Way Skater Strides 10 in each direction [ Salle Tubing: rogram 2 Basra CANADA Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE BAC [Baeve [Bache | Dawe | DateWe, | DawW. | Date ‘Comments: Week 17 & 18 Pitchers Off-Season Bening C Calendar Lower Body Throwing Program f Ag ‘Throwing Program | Agility Shoulder Tubing] Shouides Weights. f Shoulder Tubing ff Sport-Cord “Throwing Program Upper Body } 2 Elbow Ankle Tubiag ff Shoulder Weights Cataio: Cardio: Lower Body Upper Body 30min@ 70% Shor Intervals #3 Lower Body | TmowingProeram Agitty “Throwing Program Shoulder Tubing J Shoulder Weighs P spor-Cord Shoulder Tubing ff Throwing Progam Elbow Upper Body Anke Tubing f Elbow Ankle Tubing] Shoulder Weighs Bike Sprints: Cardio: Cardio: Lower Body” | Upper Body Smin Program |] 30min@ 70% Shor Intervals #2 Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2sec Rest: 90sec DB Bench 3x8 Wide Grip Lat Pulls 3x8 Abdominals: No Rest Incline Bench 3x8 Full Sit up rR ~ Incline Prone Rows 3x8 Crunches R Shoulder Shrugs 3x10 4 Sit-up 12 Bicep Curl Press 2x 12 (15Ib DB Max.) Low Crunch 2 ‘Triceps Extensions 3x10 ¥Bicycle 2 Alt. Bicep Curls 3x10 Toe Touch 2 SGL Arm Tri Extensions 3x10 Full Bicycle 24 Abdominals Rest 2min Repeat Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Lower Body > Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2sec Rest: 45sec > Sawa nan By 8 Abdominals: No Rest | 5 Single Leg Curls 3x S/leg Seated Leg Extensions 12 "Single Leg Step-Ups 2x 15/leg (body wt) re ‘| Leg Extensions 3x 10-10-10 eg Crossovers if Rises, Leg Circles Gldirection Calf Raises 3 Xx 20 (straightioes in/ toes out) Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Agility: Ballistic Walking: 5-10-5 Drill ‘h/arm Sport-Cord: 4 Way Quad Program : Single Leg Hop Program 4 Way Skater Strides 15 in each direction Ankle Tubing: Program | Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 3% 15 Shoulder Weight Program 3 x 15 each/arm Training Record .y comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. For your reference, record an: DaieWi | DateWi,] Date/We Datei. EXERCISE Date/Wi, | DatelWe ] DateWe € € ‘Comments: Week 19 & 20 Pitchers Off-Season Training Calendar Shovider Tubing | Throwing Program ff Agiy f Throwing Pram |] agitity Elbow Shoulder Weiss. f Spor Shoulder Tubing. |] Sport-Cord Throwing rene | Cardio: Upper Body 7 J Elbow Ankle Tubing ff Shoulder Weighs Cantio Cardio Lower Body” Upper Body 30min@ 70% Lower Body |] Throwing Program Throwing Program f Agility Shoulder Tubing f Shoulder Weights f Sport-Cord Shovukler Tubing |] Spor-Cord ‘Throwing Program Elbow Upper Body Ankle Tubing f Elbow i Shoulder Weights Cardio: Cardio: Upper Body 30min@ 70% Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2sec Rest: 90sec Incline DB Bench 3x8 gp (10s Grip Lat Pulls 3x8 Abdominals: No Rest ® inverted Pull-Ups 3x 20 Full Situp Fatigue Bent Over Row 3x8 Crunches Fatigue Shoulder Shrugs 3x10 Low Crunch Fatigue Reverse Pulls 2x 15/arm Full Situp Fatigue Triceps Rope Extensions 3x10 Alt. Bicep Curls, 3x10 SGL Anm Tri Extensions 3x10 Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Lower Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2sec Rest: 45sec Split Squats 3x8 Abdominals: No Rest Leg Curls 3x8 Seated Leg Extensions 12 Single Leg 4 Squat 2x 15/leg Scissors 12 ‘Leg Extensions 3x 10-10-10 Leg Crossovers 2 Calf Raiscs 3 X 20 (straighvioes in/ toes outy | Leg Circles Ofsirection Abdominals Cool-Dovm: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 2x 18 enelv/arm Shoulder Weight Program 2 x 15 each/arm 2 Ballistic Walking : 7 Cone Drilt ord: 4 Way Quad Program : Single Leg Hop Program 4 Way Skater Strides 20 in each direction ¢ Program 2 For your reference, record any cor ple BASEBALL, eC ANAD Training Record smments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. Daewwi, Dae Daw. Dae EXERCISE DateWi Daeiwe Dale. ‘Comments: € tower Body ff Throwing Progam f Agility “Tarowing Progam J Shoulder Tubing Hf Shoulder Weights ff SporeCord Shoulder Tubing Thwowing Program OFF | Btbew Upper Body ‘Ankle Tubing Elbow ‘Ankle Tubing — ff Shoulder W | Bike Sprints: Cardio Cardio Lower Body Upper Body Smin Program — J 20ming 75% Interval Pyrmig #1 Wt | Lower Body | throwing Progam f agility ee ' Shonseribag Shotetvesie [Sey ansade ee | Spring Elbow Upper Body ff Ankle Tabing ff Elbow raining Cardo Cardo omin@ 70% Tal ya Sprint Repeats @ Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 90sec DB Bench Press 2x10 Wide Grip Lat Pulls 2x10 ‘Abdominals: No Rest Cable Cross 2x10 Full Sit up 12 Seated Row 2x10 Crunches 12 Bicep Curl Press 2x 12 (15Ib DB Max.) 44 Sit-up 12 ‘Strict Pulls 2x12 ‘Low Crunch 12 Alt, Bicep Curls 3x10 VBicycle 12 SGL Arm Tri Extensions 3x10 Toe Touch 12 Forearms 2x fatigue (1Flex/IExt) Full Bicycle 24 Abdominals Rest 2min Repeat Cool-Down: Cyele/Run 10-12min ; Stretching Program Lower Body ‘Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 45sec 3 Squats 2x10 Abdominals: No Rest ® Single Leg Curls 2x 10/eg Seated Leg Extensions 12 » Single Leg Step-Ups 2x 15/lew (body wt) Scissors : D Leg Extensions 3x 10-10-10 Leg Crossovers 12 Calf Raises 3x 20 (strsighvtoes in’ toes ou | L€8 Circles ee Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program ng /Elbow 2. 15 eachfarm Shoulder Weight Program 2 x 15 each/arm For your reference, record any comments and chi phe CBASEBALL Training Record eC A N AD A Date/Wi. anges in the weight you are lifting here. DaelWe Dawe EXERCISE Dawe DaieiW Dace, Dae. ‘Comments: Full Body 2x12 Full Body 2x12 Full Body 2x12 Cardio 16 min Shoulder Tu Active Rest Cardio 18 min Cardio 17 min Rea Full Body 2x12 Full Body 2x12 Cardio 19 min ff Active Rest Shoulder Tubing ff Active Rest ‘Active Rest Cardio 20 min Full Body Preparation Program ‘Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 45sec Single Leg Press 2x I2/leg Gass Na Re DB Bench 2x12 Fall Sit up ial ae 2x12 Crunches. 10 Lat Pull 2x12 Tacs ia », Leg Extension 2x 10-10-10 Bicycle fa & — Cable Crosses 2x 12 (single arm) + Split Squats 2x I2Meg Fall Sit up 1 | Single Arm Row 2x 12/arm ~ Calf Raises 2x12 ‘Bicep 2x15 Tricep 2x15 Forearm 2x 15(1Plex/1Ext) Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program ‘Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 1 15 /exercise /arm pia Ly BASEBALL e@CANADA Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE DarelWi, Dawe DaieiWe DaelWe Daie/Wi Dawe Datei ‘Comments: oC Week 3 & 4 Position Players Off-Season Conditioning Calendar = Upper Body Lower Body Shoulder Tubing | Conditioning Active Rest Elbow Cardio: Cardio: J tsmin e756 25min @ 60% Upper Body Lower Body Shoulder Tubing |] Conditioning Elbow Cardio Bike Sprints: [20min @70% 1Smin Program Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 60sec DB Bench 2x10 Lat Pulls 2x10 Seated Row 2x10 Cable Cross 2x10 Reverse Pulls 2x 15/arm Triceps 2x10 Forearms 2x fatigue(1Flex/IExt) Biceps 2x10 Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program ‘Lower Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 60sec ‘Sumo Squats 2x10 Leg Curls 2x10 Deadlift 2x10 Leg Extensions 2x 10-10-10 Calf Raises 2x10 Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min ; Stretching Program Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 1x 15 /exereise / arm Upper Body Lower Body Shoulder Tubing Conditioning Cardio: Cardio 25min @ 6% ff !Smin @7S% Upper Body Lower Body Shoulder Tubing. || Conditioning Cardio: Bike Sprints: 30min @ 60% |] 18min Program Active Rest Abdominals: No Rest Full Sit up Crunches. Low Crunch YBicycle ‘Toe Touch 2 12 12 12 RD Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE DaieiWi DateWi, Date, Dawe. DateWi, DaieWe DaielWe ‘Comments: € a Week 5 & 6 Position ate Off-Season Condition TI cee EST Upper Body Lower Body Shoulder Tubing Conditioning: Active Rest | Elbow Cardio: Bike Sprints: Long Intervals #1 | 15min Program H Lower Body Upper Body Lower Body j Shoulder Tubing] Conditioning | J Elbow Cardio: \ | Cardio, ‘Long Intervals #1 | } ismin @ 70% | Upper Beely Lower Body Shoulder Tubing] Conditioning Active Rest : Shoulder Tubing |] Conditioning Active Rest @| Elbow Cardio: Elbow Cardio: = Bike Sprints: Long Intervals #1 og Imervals #1 9 15min Program a Upper Body Warm-up; Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 60sec DB Bench 2x10 Lat Pulls 2x 10 (Iwide/I narrow) “Abdominals: No Rest Single Arm Row 2.x 10 (Iwide/I narrow) Full Sit up 12 Incline DB Bench 2x10 ‘Crunches 12 Reverse Pulls 2x 1Sfarm 4 Si-up i2 Triceps 2x10 Low Crunch 12 Forearms 2 x fatigue(1Flex/1Ext) Ys Bicycle 12 Biceps 2x10 Toe Touch 12 Abdominals Coo!-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program BD Lower Body » Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 60sec Split Squats 2x10 Single Leg Curls 2x 10/Leg Single Leg Press 2x 10/Leg Leg Extensions 2x 10-10-10 Calf Raises 3 x 20 (straighvtoes in/ toes out) Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 2x 15 each/arm if pela BASEBALL QZ@CANADA Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE, Daterwi Dacerwe, Daterwe Dawe Date Date Dawe ‘Comments: Week 7&8 ; | Wednesday J Thursday [Fray] ‘Catch: 10min | oon © 60% Shoulder Weights Upper Body Cardio 20min 60% Lower Body Bike Sprints: 15min Program Catch ort Tomin Bike Sprints: 15min Program Upper Body Warm-up: Cycie/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: DB Bench 3x10 Lat Pulls 3x10 Abdominals: No Rest Seated Row 3x10 Fall Sit up 2 Cable Cross 3x10 Crunches R Strict Pulls 3x15 % Sit-up 2 Reverse Pulls 3x 15/arm Low Crunch 2 Triceps Rope Extensions 2x10 ‘Bicycle 2 Alt. Bicep Curls 2x10 Toe Touch 12 SGL Amn Tri Extensions 2x10 Full Bicycle 24 Abdominals Position Players Off-Season Conditioning Calendar ac f — Upper Body Cardio Long Intervals #2 Active Rest Bike Sprints: 1Smin Program Lower Body |! Upper Body Cardio. Bike Sprints: ff Long Intervals #2 15min Program 2sec Rest: 75sec Gon @ 60% Shoulder Tubing Etbow Catch:10min Of © 60% ‘Shoulder Tubing Elbow Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Lower Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2see Rest: 75sec Squats 3x10 SLDL 2x10 Single Leg Press 3x 10/Leg 3.x 10-10-10 Leg Extensions Calf Raises Abdominals 3x20 straight/toes in/ toes out) Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 2x 15 each/arm Shoulder Weight Program I x 15 each/arm & BASHA Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE Datel [Datei | Date/We | Date/We | Date/Wi. ] Date/Wi. ] Datei We a ‘Comments: Week 9 & 10 Position Players Off-Season Conditioning Calendar Se Tee ee J Lower Body Active Rest Cardio: J Long Intervals #3 1 Cates 60-908-60% Cate: 60-901-60% 10min | Lower Body Upper Body 10min Shoulder Weights J active Rest] Cardio Bike Sprints: J Shoulder Tubing Upper Body Tong Intervals #3 || 15min Program Elbow Candi Agility 20min@ 708 Spor-Cord Catch: 60.908-60% Upper Body 10min J] Bike Sprints: f Shouider Tubing 1smin Program ff Aeility Sport-Cord Catch: 60-908-60% 10min Shoulder Weights Upper Body Cardio: 20min@ 70% Lower Body | Bike Sprint: 15min Program Upper Body , Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 75sec “DB Incline Bench 3x10 ® Close Grip Lat Pulls 3x10 “Abdominals: No Rest Single Arm Row 3x10 Full Sit up Single Arm Cable Cross 3x 10/arm inches Incline Prone Row 3 x 10 Qwide/iclose) 4 Sit-up Triceps Rope Extensions 2x10 Low Crunch Alt. Bicep Curls 2x10 Bicycle SGL Arm Tri Extensions 2x10 Toe Touch Abdominals Full Bicycle Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Lower Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 75sec Leg Press 3x10 SLDL 2x10 Single Leg Step-Ups 2x 1S/leg (body wt) Calf Raises 3 x 20 (straight/toes in/ toes out) Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program “Agility: Ballistic Walking :10 Yard Grid Program ‘Sport-Cord: 4 Way Quad Program Shoulder Tu Shoulder g/ Elbow 2x 1S eachfarm ‘eight Program I x 15 each/arm eS ESPEN pha “Kl VF Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. Dawe | Date EXERCISE Datei] DateWe | DaterWe | Date. | Date/Wi, om ‘Comments: Week 11 & 12 Pitchers Off-Season Training Calendar Shoulder Tubing Elbow Upper Body Cardio: Long Intervals #8 Lower Body Bike Sprints: 15min Program ‘Throwing Program Lower Body Jf Shoulder Tubing Shoulder Tubing Bike Sprints: Elbow Cardio: 15min Program || Upper Body 400y Shuttle x5 Cardio: Long Intervals #8 Agility: Sport-Cord Lower Body Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 90sec DB Bench 3x8 Close Grip Lat Pulls 3x8 “Abdominals: No Rest Bentover Row 3x8 Full Sit up 2 Single Arm Cable Cross 3x 8/arm Crunches 12 Incline Prone Row 3 x 10 (2wide/Iclose) 44 Sit-up Strict Pulls 2x10 Low Crunch 7 Triceps Rope Extensions 2x10 Vs Bicycle 2 Alt, Bicep Curls 2x10 Toe Touch 2 SGL Arm Tri Extensions 2x10 Full Bicycle “ Abdominals Rest 21 ‘ Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program [EERURERLELCLCLcLnceee een Lower Body ‘Warm-up: Cycle/Run10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 90sec Squats 3x8 Abdominals: No Rest SLDL 2x10 Seated Leg Extensions 12 Single Leg Step-Ups 2x 15fleg (body wo) Scissors 2 Calf Raises 3 x 20 (straighttoes in/ wes out) | L€8 Crossovers 12 ‘Abdominals Leg Circles lai Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Agility: Ballistic Walking : 5-10-5 Drill jort-Cord: 4 Way Quad Program Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 2x 15 each/arm | Shoulder Weight Program 2 x 15 each/arm wee pha BASEBALL eC ANADA Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE DaiclWe | DatciWe | DatelWe | Date/We | Date/We | DatelWe | DaeWe : ‘Comments: SG Ge Be sy! Week 11 & 12 I Bike Sprints: ‘Smin Program | Upper Body Cardio: Lower Body amin Bike Sprints: ‘Smin Program — | Upper Body Cardio: Shoulder Weighs Long Intervals #4 Catch: 60-908-60% Shoulder Weights [Long Intervals #8 Position Players Off-Season Condit [Tuesday | [ Wednesday Thursday Friday 9 Saturday Catch; 60908605 Active Rest Active Rest jing Calendar Lower Body Cardio: 07d Shute x8 Upper Body Upper Body Cardio 20min@60% Lower Body Cardio: 40034 Shuttle x8 Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-I2min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 90sec DB Bench Close Grip Lat Pulls Bentover Row Single Arm Cable Cross Incline Prone Row Strict Pulls riceps Rope Extensions Alt. Bicep Curls SGL Arm Tri Extensions Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycie/Run 10-i2min Lower Body 3x8 3x8 3x8 3x 8/arm 3.x 10 (2wide/I close) 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 Sureiching Program ‘Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 90sec Squats Single Leg Press SLDL Je Leg Step-Ups Calf Raises Abdominals 3x8 3 x Sfleg 2x10 2x 15/leg (body wt) 3 x 20 (straights in toes out) Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Catch: 60-908-60% Ramin Shoulder Tubing Catch: 60-908-60% amin Shoulder Tubing Elbow Agility: Sport-Cord Abdominals: No Rest Full Sit up 12 Crunches, 12 44 Sit-up 12 Low Crunch 2 ¥ Bicycle 12 Toe Touch 2 Full Bicycle 4 Rest 2min Repeat Abdominals: No Rest Seated Leg Extensions Leg Crossovers Leg Circles 2 12 12 Gilirection Shoulder ing/ Elbow 2 1S each/arm Shoulder Weight Program 2 x 15 each/arm Agility: Ballistic Walking : $-10-5 Drill Sport-Cord: 4 Way Quad Program pia "balsa Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE DaiclWe | DateiWe | DaielWe. | Date/We | Date/Wi | Date/We. | Date7We. ‘Comments: Week 13 & 14 Pitchers Off-Season ate Calendar J rowing Program J stouider Weights Shoulder Weights ‘Throwing Program Acili Shoulder Weights Sport-Cord Upper Body Lower Body Elbow Cardio: Short Intervals #2 Throwing Program Shoulder Tubing Agility: OFF Upper Body Hf Sport-Cord JEIbow +P Spore-Cord Cardio: Ankle Tubing... ] Cardio: Lower Body we 2Omin@ 75% Short Intervals # Upper Body Pec Deck Wide Grip Lat Pulls Incline Bench Single Arm Row Shoulder Shrugs Bicep Curl Press ‘Triceps Rope Exte Aki, Bicep Curls SGL Arm Tri Extensions Abdominals ions Cooi-Down: Cycle/Run 10-i2min : Stretching Program Lower Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run10-12min Tempo: Split Squats Single Leg Curls Single Leg Step-Ups Leg Extensions Calf Raises Abdominals yele/Run 10- 12min ‘Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 90sec 3x8 3x8 Abdominals: No Rest 3x8 Full Situp Fatigue 3x8 Crunches Fatigue 2x12 Low Crunch Fatigue 2.x 12 (SIb DB Max.) Full Situp Fatigue 3x10 3x10 3x10 3x8 3 x Blleg Seated Leg Extensions 12 2x 15ileg (body wt) Scissors R 3x 10-10-10 Leg Crossovers n Leg Circles 6/éirection 3 x 20 (traighvtoes in/ toes out) 2; 2see Rest: 45sec Abdominals: No Rest Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Shouk Tubing / Elbow 2x ‘Shoulder Weight Program 2 x 15 each/arm ach/arm Agility: Ballistic Walking : 7 Cone Drill Sport-Cord: 4 Way Quad Program : Single Leg Hop Program Ankle Tubing: Program Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE DatoWe | DateWe | DaterWe | DaielWe | DatelWe | Date/We | Datelwe ( ‘Comments: Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 90sec 2 Pec Deck 3x8 ® Wide Grip Lat Pulls 3x8 “Abdominals: No Rest Incline Bench 3x8 Full Sit up Fatigue Single Arm Row ax8 Crunches Fatigue Shoulder Shrugs 2x12 Low Crunch Fatigue Bicep Curl Press 2x 12 (15Ib DB Max.) Full Sit up Fatigue ‘Triceps Rope Extensions 3x10 Alt. Bicep Curls 3x10 SGL Arm Tri Extensions 3x10 Week 13 & 14 Lower Body J Shoulder Tubing Bike Sprints ‘Smin Program Lower Body Shoulder Tubing Elbow Bike Sprints Smin Program Abdominals Cool-Down: Lower Body Position Players Off-Season Condi uae Calendar [__Testay [Wednesday 7 Catch: 907-60 Emin Cardio: Short In youlder Weighs Upper Body Sport-Cord | Cardio: ‘Ankle Tubing Shoulder Weighs Upper Body Cardio ycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 45sec Split Squats 3x8 Single Leg Curls 3x Bileg Seated Leg Extensions 12 Single Leg Step-Ups 2x 15/leg (body wo) Scissors n 3x 10-10-10 Leg Crossovers 2 Leg Extensions Calf Raises ‘Abdominals 3 x 20 (straightAves in/ toes out) Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program 20min @ 60% Lower Body Catch: 90R-605% [min Shoulder Tubing Elbow Agility Spor-Cord Upper Body Cataio: 400yd Shuttle x5 Cardio: 400yd Shuttle x5 Shoulder Tubing Elbow Agility: Sport-Cord Abdominals: No Rest Leg Circles 6fairection Agility: Ballistic Walking : 7 Cone Drill Sport-Cord: 4 Way Quad Program : Single Leg Hop Program Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 2x 15 each/arm Shoulder Weight Program 2 x 15 each/arm ‘Ankle Tubing: pha BE ayo oe ANADA Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE Date/Wt. | Date’We, | Date/We. | Date/Wt. | Date/We, | Date/We. | Date/Wt. € € e € bal ‘Comments: Week 15 & 16 Lower Body Bike Sprints: Smin Program Position nt Off-Season Se Calendar Yeahs v0 on 708 or] catch: 90.1208 70% f Agility Lower Body | UpperBody 12min Spor-Cord Cardio Cardio: Shoulder Tubing Shoulder Weights J Ankle Tubing |] 2004 Shutter 20min@oom Elbow Upper Body Agility Sport-Cord ‘Ankle Tubing ‘Careh 90-1201 70% Lower Body Catch: 90-120 70% agit: Lower Body |] Upper Body 12min ore. Bike seems: J Be" SporeCord | Card Cardio: Shoulder Tubing Smintrogrm —Sdouder Wciths | Ane Toning | Somesnasiext | 3imineoos | Elbow Cio Sport Cord aI Shor Intervals #2 Soe Ting Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2sec Rest: 90sec ~~ Db Bench 3x8 @ Close Grip Lat Pulls 3x8 “Abdominals: No Rest Cable Cross 3x8 Full Sit up 2 Seated Row 3x8 Crunches 12 Inverted Pull-Ups 2x20 Y Sit-up 12 Bicep Curl Press. 2x 12 (15Ib DB Max.) Low Crunch 12 Strict Pulls 3x10 VsBicycle 12 AK. Bicep Curls 3x10 Toe Touch 2 ‘Triceps Rope Extensions 3x10 Full Bicycle 24 Abdominals Rest 2min Repeat » Cool-Dowa: Cycle/Run 10-12 > Lower Body ® Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2sec Rest: 45sec Single Leg Press 3x8 ‘Abdominals: No Rest a aoa Seated Leg Extensions 12 Sumo Squats 3 x S/leg ea i Single Leg Step-Ups 2x 15/leg (body wt) Leg Crossovers 1 Leg Extensions 3x 10-10-10 Leg Circles cena Calf Raises Abdominals 3 x 20 (straighvtoes in/ toes out) Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 2x 15 eacharm Shoulder Weight Program 2 x 15 each/arm Agility: Ballistic Walking: Ball Drops / Ball Pick-Ups / 60yrd Shuttle Sport-Cord: 4 Way Quad Program : Single Leg Hop Program 4 Way Skater Strides 10 in each direction Ankle Tubing: Program 2 pha tat Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE DaelwWe | Datelwe | DaterWe. | DateiWe | Date/We. | DatelWe. | Date/We HE Am OS ‘Comments: Week 17 & 18 Position oi ers Off-Season eee Calendar Agility Long Toss Upper Body Pain SportcCord Lower Body Cardo Shoolder Weiahts P Ankle Tubing Cardio: 2min@6o% | Shoulder Tubing Upper Body © P iouyra Repests Elbow Cardio: Asility Short Intervals #3 Sport-Cord Catch: 1208 70% Long Tess Upper Body Bike Sprints: ff 22min Sport-Cord Lower Body J Cardo: Smin Program |] Shoulder Weighis Ankle Tubing J Cardi: domin@oo% |] Shovlder Tubing Upper Body 00rd Repeats Elbow Cardi: Asility Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2see Rest: 90sec » DB Bench 3x8 @ Wide Grip Lat Pulls 3x8 Abdominals: No Rest Incline Bench 3x8 Full Sit up 12 Incline Prone Rows 3x8 Crunches 12 Shoulder Shrugs 3x10 M Sicup 2 Bicep Curl Press 2x 12 (15Ib DB Max.) Low Crunch 12 Triceps Extensions 3x10 Ys Bicycle 2 Alt. Bicep Curls, 3x10 Toe Touch 2 SGL Arm Tri Extensions 3x10 Full Bicycle 4 Abdominals Rest 2min Repeat 10-12min : Stretching Program © Lower Body @ Warmup: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2sec Rest: 45sec 7 a aes 7 Abdominals: No Rest Single Leg Curls 3x Beg Sestoé Lep Extensions 12 Sumo Squats 3x8 Faas . Single Leg Step-Ups 2x 15/leg (body wt) eee ee iy eee are 1040. Leg Circles 6leirection Calf Raises 3 x 20 (siraighvtoes inv toes out) Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Agility: Ballistic Wolking: §-10:5 Drill Shoulder Tubing/ Elbow 2x 18 each/arm Sport-Cordl: 4 Way Quad Program : Single Leg Hop Program Shoulder Weight Program 2 x 15 each/arm 4 Way Skater Strides 15 in each direction rogram 1 Ankle Tobin; pha on tat ef ANADA Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. DaehWi, | DaieWe | DatelWe | Date/We EXERCISE Datei. Dawe Dawe ‘Comments: 2a Oe ® @ @ Week 19 & 20 Position ata ers Off-Season Conditi Lower Body Bike Sprints: smin Program J] Shoulder Wi Upper Body Cardio cights Interval Pyramid #1 Lower Body ff Catch: 120% Bike Sprints: mia Smin Program Upper Body Cardio: Shoulder Weights me Agitiy ing Calendar Upper Body Long Tass Cardio Shoulder Tubing Cardio: 20min@ 60% — fF EIbow 100yrd Repeats Agility Sport-Cord Long Toss Upper Body Long Toss Sport-Cord Lower Body Cardio. Shoulder Tubing Interval Pyramid #1 Upper Body Warm-up: Cycle/Rum 10-12min Tempo: 1: 2 Incline DB Bench 3x8 Close Grip Lat Pulls 3x8 “Abdominals: No Rest Inverted Pull-Ups 3x 20 Full Situp Fatigue Bent Over Row 3x8 Crunches. Fatigue Shoulder Shrugs 3x10 Low Crunch Fatigue Reverse Pulls 2x 15/arm Full Situup Fatigue Triceps Rope Extensions 3x10 Alt. Bicep Curls 3x10 SGL Arm Tri Extensions 3x10 Abdominals Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Lower Body arm tun 10-12: 12sec Rest: 45s a, Neer Cycler val0-12min Tempo I see Rest 45sec Abdominals No Res Leg Curls 3x8 Seated Leg Extensions 12 Single Leg Step-Ups 2x 15/leg (body wt) Scissors 12 Single Leg 4 Squat 2x 1Sfeg Leg Crossovers n 3x 10-10-10 Leg Circles Giairection Leg Extensions Calf Raises Abdominals ‘Ankle Tubing ff Cardio: 20min@6o% — | Etbow yd Repeats Agility Sport-Cord 3 x 20 (straight/toes in/ toes out) Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Shoulder Tubing / Elbow 2x 15 eachvarm Shoulder Weight Program 2 x 15 each/arm “Agility: Ballistic Walking : 7 Cone Drill ‘Sport-Cord: 4 Way Quad Program : Single Leg Hop Program 4 Way Skater Strides 20 in each direction Ankle Tubing: Program 2 5 oT witing? e@C As NADA Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. Daw | Darel | DatelWe | DeielWe. | Date/We | DatelWe. | Datei, EXERCISE ‘Comments: € e Spring Training Catch: 90-60% Lower Body J Catch: 908-60% Via J Long Toss Lower Body Wi ~ Upper Body DB Bench Press Wide Grip Lat Pulls + Cable Cross @ _ Seated Row = Bicep Curl Press Strict Pulls Alt. Bicep Curls SGL Arm Tri Extensions Forearms Abdominals Long Toss Upper Body Long Toss Upper Body J Active Rest Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min Tempo: 2: 2sec Rest: 90sec 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x 12 (15Ib DB Max.) 2x12 3x10 3x10 2x fatigue (1Flex/1Ext) Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program Lower Body Warm-up: Cycle/Run 10-12min. Tempo: 2: sec Rest: 45sec Squats Single Leg Curls Single Leg Step-Ups Leg Extensions Calf Raises Abdominals ee 3 2x10 2x 10feg 2x 15lleg (body wt) 3x 10-10-10 3 Xx 20 (straightioes in/ toes out) Cool-Down: Cycle/Run 10-12min : Stretching Program =e Catch: 90-60% 12min Lower Body Long Toss Upper Body Abdominals: No Rest Full Sit up 12 Crunches 2 4 Sit-up 2 Low Crunch 12 Y Bicycle 12 Toe Touch 12 Full Bicycle 4 Rest 2min Repeat Abdominals: No Rest Seated Leg Extensions 12 Scissors 12 Leg Crossovers 12 Leg Circles 6ieixection pila BASEBALL e@CANADA Training Record For your reference, record any comments and changes in the weight you are lifting here. EXERCISE Dai | Dawe | DavelWe | DaielWe | Date/We | DaterWr, DaeiWe ‘Comments: ADA

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