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Running head: WITHOUT A FATHER

Without a Father
Alison Haynes
The University of Memphis

Without a Father
Unfortunately in todays society it is not uncommon for a child to be brought up in a
single parent home. Factors such as increasing divorce rates and births occurring outside
marriage put children at a risk of growing up without a father. With this issue occurring more
frequently you may question is it necessary for specifically both mothers and fathers to raise a
child effectively? Children with both a mother and father actively involved in their childhood
and on to adulthood have higher academic achievements, higher self-confidence, and are a lot
more stable emotionally as well as cognitively. Children need active fathers throughout their
childhood, adolescence, and for the rest of their life. Research has been conducted in efforts to
prove the importance of fatherhood, and has pointed out the range of contributions that fathers
can make as well as the many positive affects a father can make in a childs life. Fathers who
remain increasingly active in a childs life no matter the situation enforce positive child
development, positive well being, and provide stability for the child.
How Fathers Enforce Positive Child Development
During developmental stages such as childhood and adolescence a father is vital in the
positive development of a child. Children are looking up to each parent and are constantly
learning, growing, and expanding their minds throughout their entire life. Each parent is a key
example to their child and each step taken during early stages can reflect who the child will

become later on in life and how they will deal with situations. Children who have non-residential
fathers are less likely to receive a sufficient amount of attention and emotional support needed
during development. Feeling loved and cared for by both parents increases a childs emotional
security, sense of worth, self-confidence, which in turn facilitates positive child development


How Fathers Help With the Overall Wellbeing of a Child

Fathers play a significant role in the overall wellbeing of a child. Statistics show that
when a fatherly figure is not present children are more prone to involvement in crime, premature
sexual activity, out of wedlock childbirth, lower educational achievement, depression, and
substance abuse.

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