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OBLIVION by William Monahan Current Revisions by Karl Gajdusek Based on the story by Joseph Kosinski DRAFT: March 27, 2011 FADE IN: EXT. THE PLANET ~ MORNING Huge mountains, destroyed STRUCTURES. Buildings enveloped by flows of earth. awe-inspiring beauty. JACK (V.0.) They arrived almost half a century ago. Aliens, Scavs, whatever you want to call them. Their idea of how-do-you-do was to blow up our moon. Giant waterfalls crash where lava cooled through iron and concrete. Telephone polle half-buried in sand. JACK (V.0.) Without her moon, the earth went insane. Most were killed in the floods, as the cities came down, as everything caught fire. A year later their ground troops landed, to exterminate whoever was left. A station wagon half protrudes from a lava flow. A child’s plastic flip-flops on the dash. JACK (V.0.) They were probably surprised, what we were willing to do, to survive. We used the nukes. (beat) We won the war, but lost the planet. Low on the HORIZON, the TET rises with the sun. It’s a WHITE TETRAHEDRON (SIX-SIDED) SPACE STATION that circles the earth once a day, like an artificial moon. JACK (V.0.) Humanity had to flee the Earth. We had to unlearn what it meant, to call something our home. Now we live on the Tet, our man-made moon. A temporary home before the next step. Everyone's there now. (beat) Well, almost everyone. INT. _BEDROOOM - MORNING An ALARM chirps. A man’s hand reachee out of bed, silences it. The MAN swings his feet onto the floor. He sits with his face in his hands, waking up. We hear a SHOWER RUNNING. He looks up. A WOMAN showers near him, only steamed glass walls between them. She sees him, smiles at him, without modesty. He looks back at her. OVER TITLES. We watch a familiar morning routine: IN MORNING BATHROOM. The man flicks on a light, stares at himself in the mirror. This is JACK. Early 40's, a good face that enjoys rugged living. ‘Tan and weathered skin. His eyes are curious, kind, almost child-like. ‘The woman squeezes in next to him, VICTORTA. 30s, a tom- boy shock of red hair, towel around her neck. she brushes her teeth. KITCHEN. Victoria watches the coffee drip, bites toast. SHOWER. Jack lets warm water blast him in the face. READY ROOM. Jack pulls a worn high-tech workman’s suit fxom a locker, revealing a photo taped to the door: It’s of him and Victoria, younger, in a white-walled high-tech corridor, smiling eager at the camera. He stares at it for a moment, closes the locker door. KITCHEN. Victoria hands Jack his coffee. He kisses the top of her head, heads out to work. EXT. SKY TOWER ~ CONPINI He walks out onto the deck of a futuristic home perched_ 1,200 feet_in the air, literally above the clouds. As our minds are blown, Jack moves away from the glass- walled home towards his BUBBLESHIP, a futuristic-cross between a Bell 47 Helicopter and a jet fighter, and we CRANE UP UP UP... INCREDIBLE VERTIGO until we’re looking down at this impossible structure. Jack, climbing into his ship. TITLE CARD: “OBLIVION”

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