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A ‘Name Face Univer 41 wasp Wesleyan College Field Experiences Observation Instrument (Feo Siren Edu 206 FZ Course’ Dats Pa (Cooperating Teacher ‘Schoo! Grade/Arés (KEY: 0= not. Present 1 = Emerging 2= Developing 3 Proficient 4 = Exemplary eT7,2 15 = Observation 1) Lesson planning, preparation and organization are evident. 2) Materials are organized and distributed efficenty. 3) Various and appropriate resources are utilized 4) The purpose of the lesson is articulated (communicated to the students). 5) Sound knowledge of the content is evident, 6) The lesson is designed to accommodate a variety of student abilities and learning styles. 7) “Real world” connections are addressed in the lesson. '8) Objectives are measurable and relevant. '9) Students are given clear cirections and demonstrate a readiness to complete the assignments/assessments. 10) Assistance is provided to individuals or groups as needed. ‘L1) Adequate feedback and encouragement are provided to the students. 12) Knowledge of the students background and performance is used to assist in developing activities and assessments. 12) Assecmenis are eghied ote lesen oBpaves a fi eel ata closes lesson ffecivey (eg: Provides Students ah oppartanty Sa igh academic expectations are communicated to students. idents are treated fairly and equitably. 7) The Gassroom environment is supportive of leaning. Te5b; 18) Trensitions are effective T5b In ) Effective classroom ae skills are evigent. TE-5b; U-Se__| U-5a; Ti-sb; I-Se fh aca Student’ Signature pdb ete ie ate M2 i Aoate Hannah Finch 329/14 EDU 308 Plan of Action Dr. Wileox One of the things I need to work on for my math lesson was number 9 on the FEO; students are given clear directions and demonstrate readiness to complete the assignments! assessments. I had too many students who were off tasks and completely ignoring the directions. In order to fix this, I would first make sure I had all of the students’ full attention before starting, my lesson. I would have them clear their desks and have a pencil out so that they were ready to g0. [believe in order to do this I would have to be patient and not start until [know I had everyone ready. [could also do this by having something to get their attention, usually clapping works with my class, or I could give points on class dojo to the students who I sec are ready and paying attention, this usually forces the other students to quiet down and pay attention because they also want points, Once I had all of their attention, I think I would need a better hook than what I had. I think if Thad used the smart board for more than class dojo that could have been more effective because my class really enjoys using the technology. I could have used the notebook on that and given more in depth instructions and examples. I could have also given different problems and had three students up working a problem on the board, one on each white board and one on the smart board, I could also pull up real life examples. I could have searched (prior to teaching my lesson) for famous landmarks and their perimeters. I think it also would have been better to use the smart board because I could have had directions for what they were supposed to do. I think it also would have been better to have already marked items I wanted them to measure. I think these things would have kept students more engaged and prevented some students from being off task. If [noticed students off task, next time I would make sure I corrected that immediately and encouraged them to work rather than letting students slack off, Talso need to work on number 11 on the FEOI, adequate feedback and encouragement ate provided to the students. I think during my lesson students got a little too out of control and id not really take their time fo do the assignment. To fix this I should have given more direct instructions. [also think if [had given the direction that students are to raise their hands quietly if they needed help, this could have allowed me to better help students. My class has a tendeney to get up and interrupt whoever I am helping at the moment because they need help. Students who are loud and more vocal tend to get helped more often becauisc of that, I really need to focus on being sure students know to raise their hands if they want help and to wait until Lam finished helping one student before they ask for help so that they are respecting their classmates. I think I also need to watch the entire class to be sure students are all on task and completing their work to the best of their abilities. believe this one fits in with number 15 on the FEOI; high academic expectations are communicated to students, I think before I sent students off to measure items, I should have outlined my expectations. I did this in a later social studies lesson and it worked well with my students. If Thad asked them what I expected of them and had them list those I believe this, makes the rules and expectations more important fo them because they outlined them. If [had said T wanted their work to be neat and completed fully and if I had a timer on how long they had to measure T think that would have kept students working more diligently because many of them slacked off until I told them they only had a few minutes left and then they were complaining that they had barely started, It also may have worked better ifI had put students in groups. Then if had them assign each person a job, such as a scribe, someone to do the initial measurements, someone fo check the measurements and someone to check the calculations after everyone in the group has done them. I think this way students would have better understood what was expected them. T think I also should have given a consequence as to what would happen if they were off task and goofing off instead of doing work, An example of that could have been a worksheet at their desk where they had to measure the objects on the paper and find the perimeter rather than getting up and working with a group and measuring real objects. Another thing that I did not have in my lesson was a closing. I could have closed by h measured. I could have also had students come up to the front again to show what they ing students share what they measured and what the perimeter was of the object they ‘measured, how they measured it and the answer they came up with for the perimeter. I think this closing could have been included if I paid more attention to the time or if T used a timer because ‘we ran out of time and had to go to lunch so the lesson got cut off abruptly. ‘These are all things I will work on for lessons that I teach in the future so that my lessons are more effective and thorough.

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