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Interview questions for weblogic

Day routine activity 1

how to find server status 2
in case if top command not avail( package) then how u will find server status 3
where to set Xss parater and how to check its current size through unix 4
cluster status command 5
steps for jms config 6
jdbc config 7
diff bet DU and DF 8
how to make file null without deleting that 9
thread dump analysis (samurai tool usage) 9
frequent issues in day routine 10
if queue got failed what error message will it through 11
12load balancer and load manager
?can we use weblogic as a load balancer if yes how 13
how u wil get particular port is closed (without ping) 14
15diff bet weblogic 8.1 and 9.2
16what are the steps to be followed while migrating from weblogic 8.1 to 9.2
licence.bea file usage 17
what are the changes in 9.2 specifically to jms part 18
19certificate installation in weblogic 8.1
script in unix that restart server every morning 7 20
21steps req to config distributed cluster
22what exception you will get if boo.prop file not found
application server installation 23
name of file need to copy from weblogic to tomcat 24
differnce between path and classpath 25
which file need to edit in tomcat and what are the changes 26
27type of garbage collection
28what are the error you got while config cluster
use of multi pool and advantages 29
how to do session replication through jdbc 30
31diff bet jdk 1.4 and 1.5
what is exact version of your weblogic servers unix os and jdk 32
33type of wlst scripts
34what are the types of mode in wlst
35diff bet setenv and commenv
36what is command for domain creation through console
issues faced while config jdbc and jms 37
38what is session replication and how u will config that
.39threads are not getting killed after terminating what you will do
40what is top command
basics of struts, java 41
42what is use of java admin utility
what is garbage collection and how it is implemented in weblogic 43
what is difference bet sendredirct and url rewritten (java question) 44
what is diff bet weblogic and websphere ( I didnt ans this) 45
what are issues you faced while deploying a patch 46

what all files you take as backups 47

search a file by date(unix command) 48
how to create link between files 49
50once the server down what are stpes you will do
if server is not up after boot.prop file change what next 51
what is your role in development proj as a weblogic admin 52

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