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Name: Jacinto, Christine Joy C.

Student number: 2012-23011


Globalization: An Issue for Ethics

Manuel B. Dy

The Essence of Globalization

A. On Economics
1. Heads toward to creation of single, integrated free market
2. Markets becoming denationalized
3. Elaborates international web of suppliers and assemblers
B. On Human
1. People change their work habits and lifestyles to retool themselves
C. States
1. Relinquishing part of their society to international organizations
2. Globalization has come limitations of place
D. As Universal Civilization
1. Unifies mankind at a very abstract and purely rational level
2. Spread of technics
3. Rational politics


The Positive Values of Globalization

A. Universal Values
1. Liberty
2. Fairness and Transparency
3. Honesty or Integrity
B. Socio-Political Values
1. Supports Democracy and Human Rights
2. Civility
3. Peace and solidarity


The Negative Values of Globalization

A. Economic Sphere
1. Poverty
2. Neglecting of Human Rights
B. Social Sphere
1. It has created Market Society
2. Destruction to our natural environment
C. Cultural Sphere
1. Dismantling of social diversity and pluralism of cultures
2. Undermines the cultures self-reliance and identity
3. Destruction of the creative nucleus of great civilizations and great cultures
4. People lose their cultural mindedness
5. People lose their connection to the transcendent Being


Proposals to avoid the negative consequences of globalization

A. As global capitalists
1. Work out another form of capitalism
2. Take into account the economics of community
3. Ethical manner of conducting business
4. Conserve culture
B. Civil Society
1. Must guard its separate identity and autonomy
2. Take the posture of place advocacy
C. Government and International Agencies
1. Alleviate poverty
2. Cut arms spending and recycle foreign exchange reserves
3. Promote global democracy
4. Institutions with global responsibility need to be created and strengthened.
D. State
1. Promote social justice
2. Promote democracy
E. Individual
1. Live simply
2. Draw no profit whatever from clearly unjust sources
3. Diminish progressively share in the benefits of an economic and social system
4. Have a healthy balance of cultural rootedness and cosmopolitan outlook

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