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Learning Objectives MKC

Lecture 1:
On finishing this session:
1. You can distinguish & describe the MKC instruments
2. You can explain IMC with the help of examples
3. You can determine the place of MKC within the strategic communication plan
4. You can use the concept of integrated MKC
Lecture 2:
On finishing this session:
1. You can name the criteria for market segmentation
2. You can distinguish & describe the strategies for (market) targeting & positioning
3. You can explain the DAGMAR model with the help of examples
4. You can use the DAGMAR model & the STP (segmentation-targeting-positioning) framework
Lecture 3:
On finishing this session:
1. You can understand the HOE models
2. You can understand and distinguish the basic types of attitude formation & change processes &
MKC models
3. You can use the HOEm FCB & Elaboration-likelihood models
Lecture 4:
On finishing this session:
1. You can distinguish the different stages of an advertising campaign
2. You understand the importance of creativity in an advertising campaign
3. You can evaluate the effectiveness of the various execution strategies for rational and emotional
Lecture 5:
On finishing this session:
1. You can distinguish the various steps in the media planning process
2. You understand & can distinguish between different characteristics of media objectives:
frequency, reach, weight, cost, continuity
3. You understand how communication budgets may influence communication effectiveness
4. You can use/apply the criteria of media mix decisions
Lecture 6:
On finishing this session:
1. You can understand the difference between sponsorship & other instruments of the
communication mix
2. You can distinguish the target groups and objectives of sponsorship
3. You can distinguish the different types of e-marketing tools related to different communication
4. You can understand the role of the internet as an advertising medium
5. You can apply your knowledge about e-communication to the case study Of Amnesty

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