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Risk Stratification Assignment

1. How many risk factors does Allison have for developing cardiovascular
disease? List each risk factor.
Allison has the following risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease:
1. Obesity (BMI of 32.8 and 5 3 at 185 lbs)
2. Hypertension (Blood pressure of 158/80 mmHg)
3. Dyslipidemia (Total cholesterol over 200)
4. Cigarette smoking
5. Family history (Father had a double bypass at age 62)
2. Determine Allisons overall risk level for exercise (low risk, moderate risk or
high risk). Explain why you assessed her at this risk level.
The ACSM classifies Allison at moderate risk for exercise. She is assessed at
moderate risk because she does not have any known cardiovascular,
pulmonary, or metabolic diseases, nor does she seem to be exhibiting any
signs or symptoms of any of these diseases. She does have five of the risk
factors associated with associated with cardiovascular disease. The ACSM
classifies anyone with two or more risk factors as moderate risk.
3. Before you design Allisons exercise program, you are planning to have her
complete a comprehensive fitness assessment which will include a
submaximal cardiorespiratory assessment. According to her risk level, does a
physician need to be present for the assessment? Explain your answer.
According to the ACSM, because Allison is not classified as high risk, no
physician needs to be present for a submaximal cardiorespiratory
assessment. At a moderate risk classification, the ACSMs only
recommendation is that she receive a medical exam before she participates
in vigorous exercise, which is classified as over 60 percent of oxygen uptake
reserve (VO2R).
even though Allison is classified as moderate risk, a physician does not need
to be present for a submaximal cardiorespiratory assessment.

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