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These are the fundamentals, the broadest strokes. Every character should have answers to these
five, including NPCs. Its the quickest way to give the sense of a full individual instead of a
cardboard stereotype.
1. What emotion best describes your character? Curiosity
2. What emotion does your character evoke in others? Confidence, he frequently acts as a
rock for others to lean on.
3. What does your character need most? Finally being recognized for his skill and worth in
society rather than being derided for being a half-breed.
4. What is your characters goal in life? To reach the absolute pinnacle of skill as a
craftsman, a blacksmith specifically.
5. How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished? Learning and combining
every smithing technique currently known is his first step. Innovation will come after that,
along with practice and more practice.

For any campaign, a character should have come from somewhere. Spend any length of time with
someone and their history is bound to come up. These questions give your character history, and
therefore dramatic and emotional weight.
6. Where did your character come from? A village outside of the main walls. It no longer
exists, as one of the great beasts destroyed it by accident. The village was small (no more
than 30 families) and featured a few different races, mostly those who did not want to
join with the elves or who would not be allowed in the big cities.
7. When did you grow up? That would be when he completed his first apprenticeship and
decided to set out into the world to better his own skills. Making the decision to move out
of the (relative) safety of the town and head towards the elven tribes marks the moment
he started considering himself an adult.
8. What values does your character hold? Hard work, courage in the face of danger and
perseverance (though some might call it stubbornness)
9. How does your character dress? Workmans clothes is probably the most accurate
description. When not geared for combat, he wears thick, utilitarian clothing. Many of the
clasps and buckles were made by him and they form an eclectic whole. Color-wise, he
prefers darker tints, greens and browns mainly. No jewelry though, except for a ring made
from twisted wires of gold, iron, copper and silver. It bears scuffmarks where it has been
used on a touch-stone for comparison.
Often hell wear a thick leather blacksmiths apron, littered with scuff-marks and small
burns here and there.
10. What are your characters means? A small amount of money, some raw materials. A set
of blacksmiths tools of impeccable quality. Well maintained but clearly well-used.

Now were picking nits. These five are all about texture and color. These answers take your
character beyond an adventure serial persona and into reality. Answers to these make your
characters memorable for years.
11. What are your characters personal tastes?
- Tea: Hes a bit of an enthusiast when it comes to tea and frequently visits the markets to
pick up exotic flavors when he can.
- Cats: He owns a cat and generally carries around treats for the lovable fuzzy animals, in
case he encounters any of them.
- Music: while hes terrible at making music, Athron would very much like to learn how to
play an instrument to be able to also create that which he enjoys. He just hasnt had the
time to.
12. What are your characters opinions?
- Racial issues: the centuries long war between elves and humans is a constant niggling
worry in Athrons mind. Every day hes confronted by the prejudice resulting from this and
its mostly the humans who seem to be the problematic group here.
- Innovation: With the gnomes introduction of gunpowder and all the uses resulting from
that, the entire face of warfare changed. Which, to Athron is an abomination: warfare
should be fought between men (or women) testing their skill. Not this wishy-washy point a
stick in the general direction of an enemy and watch them die.
- The great Beasts: The great beasts control most of the world and have taken it from the
civilized races. Taking back that territory should be a much higher priority than it
currently is.
13. What is your characters comfort zone? Ideally, a forge or another relaxed setting
suitable for crafting is the perfect environment for Athron. Or perhaps a relaxed nature
setting, which, unfortunately, is hard to find in a city.
14. Who has had the biggest impact on your characters life? Thats a toss-up between
either his wife or his first mentor. While his first mentor taught him many of his values,
marriage was perhaps more influential.
15. What are some of your characters unexpected quirks?
- While perhaps not entirely unexpected, Athron, when agitated, tends to revert to elven
rather than regular common.

These five questions direct your play experience itself rather than your character. What do you
want out of your game? If a group answers these together, they can expect dramatically rewarding
game sessions, and the GM will know clearly whats expected to give everyone a good time.
16. What kind of story does your character belong in?

17. What role does your character fill? Hes more of a support character, helping others
achieve their goals.
18. What should the other players know about your character? I dunno?
19. What is your play style? You know me
20. How do you want your character to die? Ideally as part of a heroic sacrifice, holding back
enemies while his friends escape.

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