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Close Viewing Example

Clip begins with a close up of a door knob,

and a keyhole, through which a light shines.
The orchestral score consists of a rising
string instrumental, which builds tension.
The beam of light appears to move down.
The strings rise to a crescendo as the shot
cuts to the following shot.
The close up of a womans hand shaking as
it clumsily struggles to slide the chain lock in
place coincides with a deepening of the
musical score, highlighting her panicked
heavy breaking and the sound of the lock as
she scrambles to get it closed.
The shot of Jullian struggling to lock the
door as she looks over her shoulder shows
her fear. It is a medium wide shot, but the
object in the foreground is close to the
camera, taking up a large portion of the
frame. This type of shot is typical of
Spielberg, and in this case serves to make
her look more vulnerable.

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