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Lyons Davidson SOLICITORS MrT Cahill 10 Fulford Mansions Fairmead Road London NI94DE 12th February 2008 Dinet Dis 0117 904 $268 You Ref ours IRH/GR34/671297/1 Dear Mr Cahill Claim Against: Obelisk International Incident Dat 17th May 2007 L write in relation to our fees. 1 am obliged by the Solicitors’ Code of Conduct 2007 to provide you with certain information in relation to the cost of our services. This letter sets out the information I am obliged to give you. Thi is not a request for payment. You should also note that our fees will be paid by your Legal Expense Insurers under the terms of your policy to the extent that they are not recovered from your opponent. The total fees so far are £205.63 of which £175.00 is my firm's fees, £30.63 is Vat and £0.00 is disbursements i.e. expenses paid to other people in relation to your case. My firm's fees are calculated on the basis of multiplying the hours spent on your case by the hourly charging rates already notified to you, se will be £13750.00 of which £200.00 will be of your cas curred by way fe [estimate that the total eo of disbursements. I will provide an updated estimate in 6 months! time, However if before that time there are any changes in circumstance which may affect the amount of the costs, or iff it appears that the estimate may be exceeded, I will contact you. There is no need for you to tak should write to the firm's Compliance Partner at Victoria Hous any action in relation to this letter, but if you have any concerns you Sl toria Street, Bristol BS! 6AD. Yobirs sincerely Jdhn Hinton, LYONS DAVIDSON Victoria House, 51 Victoria Stee, Bristol BS1 GAD OX No: 7834 BRISTOL Telephone 0117904 6000 Fax 0117 904 6006 Minicom 0117904 6213 Email info@lyonsdavidson OC) Web wawlyonsdavidson yon Daecionsrepiaeaby he Sct Repliten Atty 4

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