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An old silent pond...

A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.

By Basho
- Verse form
- Three non-rhyming lines
- 5, 7, and 5 syllables

Bring me all of your dreams,

You dreamers,
Bring me all of your
Heart melodies
That I may wrap them
In a blue cloud-cloth
Away from the too-rough fingers
Of the world.

The Dream Keeper

By Langston Hughes
-Free verse
-Resembles the natural rhythm of speech

Wind tripping lightly all along,

Its spouse, the cloud,
Its smile, the sun,
Sings the slipping, flighty throng,
Full voice aloud,
Along the frantic, joyous run

Lines of sweet garlands lie beside

By Joseph Hartley
-Idealizing rural life

It little profits that an idle king,

By this still hearth, among these barren crags,
Matchd with an aged wife, I mete and dole
Unequal laws unto a savage race,
That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.

By Alfred Lord Tennyson
-Blank verse a.k.a. heroic verse
-Iambic pentameter
- 10 syllable lines

By JP Danko
-Quality of light
-The amount of light and its characteristics relative to its
-Affects mood
-Hard light (e.g. a bright, sunny day) creates very bright and
very dark areas in the same scene; soft light is smooth and

Migrant Mother
By Dorothea Lange
-Chronicles specific/historical events
-Most often candid photographs of a subject (i.e.

Into the Setting Sun

By Mike Willshaw
-The presentation of visual elements in an
-Often keeps viewers focus on framed object(s)
-Can add depth, interest

Pearblossom Highway
By David Hockney
-The cutting/joining of two or more photographs
into a single image

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