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Name: _____________________

Total: _____ / 80

Identity Book Website Rubric

General: 20 Points
_____ / 5

Homepage includes iPhilosophy and photo

_____ / 5

Tabs are labeled and organized in a systematic way

_____ / 5

Portfolio includes five written pieces with creative/encompassing titles

_____ / 5

Portfolio includes five visuals that enhances each essay

Readability: 15 Points
_____ / 5

Text is embedded in the page and cleanly/consistently formatted

_____ / 5

Text is consistent (font type, size, etc.) throughout the portfolio

_____ / 5

Text is easy to read throughout the portfolio

Color and Contrast: 10 Points

_____ / 5

Choice of colors make portfolio readable

_____ / 5

Colors are consistent throughout the portfolio

Navigation: 15 Points
_____ / 10

All tabs/links lead to content without error

_____ / 5

Links (if used) are logical, consistent, and effective

Multimedia: 10 Points
_____ / 10

Images, sound, and video are appropriately and properly integrated using the
platforms functions (Ex: Weebly offers a YouTube embedding tool, so use it
rather than copying and pasting the link, etc., etc.)

Attribution: 10 Points
_____ / 10

Images, sound, and video are cited

Digital Story: +5 Points (Maximum)

Title and students name included in the beginning
Clear, strong, and confident voice is maintained
Photos/videos illustrate AND enhance the text
Story can be viewed like an actual video
Photos/videos should be cited at the end (if borrowed)

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