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1. FACT: Christmas is on the 25th of December, every year

since Jesus was born (many years ago). 25th of
December isnt the actual day Jesus was born, nobody
knows exactly when Jesus was born so December 25th
was chosen because it was close to the winter.
MY THINKING VOICE: Jesus wasnt actually born on the 25th
of December we just celebrate it on that day, we wonder
why they chose that day to celebrate Jesus birth and not
celebrate it on the actual day? We think because that day
was already a day where the people celebrate something
2. FACT: The Germans made the first artificial Christmas
trees out of dyed goose feathers. These Christmas trees
are still popular today.
MY THINKING VOICE: Making Christmas trees out of goose
feathers is a very smart idea. I wonder how long it took to
make a Christmas tree out of goose feathers? Why did they

choose goose feathers to make Christmas a tree? Why

couldnt they use bird feathers?

3. FACT: Luke 2:8-14, John 3:16 and other selected

scriptures the birth of Christ brings love, peace and
purpose to our lives multiple sermons from other
pastors and personal study. To challenge the listeners to
allow Christ into their lives this season so that he can
bring true transformation to their lives.

MY THINKING VOICE: This is the reason why Christmas

shook the world, I wonder why some people still celebrate
Christmas if there not Catholic Christians?
FACT: The traditional three colours of Christmas are green,
red, and gold. Green has long been a symbol of life and
rebirth; red symbolizes the blood of Christ, and gold
represents light as well as wealth and royalty.
MY THINKING VOICE: I think those colours are the right
colours to choose for Christmas because they each represent
something special.

4. FACT: Christmas is when Christians celebrate the birth of

Jesus. They worship in church and sing carols. Families
give each other presents, cook special recipes and lots
MY THINKING VOICE: This day is very special for us
Christians because it means a lot to us and everyone
should follow Jesus, no other religion has made miracles
like Jesus did.

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