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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia- excessive growth of prostate, it constricts the urethra and prohibits urine

flow. Surgical removal is the best option and should be done before it becomes cancerous.

Renal Calculi- kidney stones, excessive buildup of calcium, constricts urine flow and gets it backed up
which can lead to pain in the lower back and bleeding in the urethra. Stones must be surgically removed
if they grow too large.
Cystitis vs Pyelonephritis- cystitis is a bladder infection, caused by not emptying bladder or not going
often enough. Women are more prone. Pyelonephritis is kidney infection. The bacteria travels from the
urethra to the kidneys, this can then infect the blood that the kidneys are supposed to be filtering.

Prostatitis- inflammation of the prostate

Renal Failure- acute lasts less than 3 months and chronic lasts longer than 3 months. Kidneys shut down
from being over worked and damaged. Since they cant regenerate, they never get healthier and filter
blood progressively worse. Hemodialysis is used for filtering.

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