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Hello Everybody!

It has just been one CRAZY week and a half! From leaving the CCM to arriving in my first area
of my mission as my training begins to become a missionary! I really miss the sunshine and nice
weather in Mexico City because right now I am not enjoying the cold at all, especially since my
new companion and I have to walk. Today I will be going to buy myself a good winter coat to
last through this winter and the following winter.
My last few days at the CCM were full of emotion to say the least. Enjoyed a final testimony
meeting for the all missionaries leaving, a presentation of our pictures and saying good-bye to
my teachers and other missionaries staying behind. Not much sleep occurred last Monday and
Tuesday, between saying good-bye to other missionaries in my district to leaving at 2am in the
morning myself. I was beat last Tuesday for sure. I enjoyed being with my other five traveling
companions from the CCM to Salt Lake City. While we were at our layover in Dallas there were
some members waiting to board their flight to SLC also and they gave us their phones to use to
call our parents. I could not help but cry tears of happiness as I heard my dad's voice at the other
end of the phone as well as my mom's. I am grateful all of us were blessed to call our family for
just a few minutes. The Lord really touched my heart in that moment to remind me that even
though I cannot be there for my loved ones 24/7, the Lord is watching over them and protecting
them. We were picked up at the airport by a senior couple, serving from home because that
happens all the time here in the Utah missions, The Loosli's. We had Apple Grand Junction for
lunch as we made our way to the Utah Provo Mission office. It was a big bummer for me being
only a few miles away from my lil sissy and not being able to see her. My companion and I had
the opportunity to teach an English lesson to a 10 and 12 year-old girls in a part member family.
I really enjoyed my first experience as a REAL missionary. Afterwards we headed to the mission
home of President and Sister McCune. We met up with the English missionaries from the Provo
MTC and we had to sing "Called To Serve" at their door REALLY LOUD or they would not
open it. Eventually they opened up and we all took a group picture. We enjoyed a wonderful
home cooked meal, had orientation, a short interview with President McCune then went with a
member to stay the night. I slept like a baby.
Wednesday morning came too soon, got up and had to be at the transfer chapel by 8am. We
enjoyed a breakfast and a training with all the trainers in the mission. finally we arrived in the
chapel with all the missionaries being transferred and the new missionaries had to sit up on the
stand across from the ones leaving the mission in a few days. We introduced ourselves and
President McCune gave us our new companion and where we were serving. I have been assigned
to labor in the Aspen Grove Zone in Orem, UT. We cover two stakes, Timpview and Aspen
Grove, the Spanish anyway while our Sister Training Leaders cover English. My new companion
is Hermana Banuelos! She was born in Mexico but was raised in California! We are living with a
WONDERFUL family! I truly am so GRATEFUL to be living in the basement of a family's
home because they become my second family away from home and I love that more than
anything! Well my days are so busy between teaching between 3-8 lessons per day. Having
dinner each night with members or even lunch! Their are two senior couples in my area, The
Looslis and The Cornishes, and they SPOIL us Sister missionaries rotten! I LOVE THEM! We
attended a Thanksgiving dinner with the ward on Friday and I am in LOVE with the Latino
culture! They are so loving, patient, kind and family oriented! They definitely know how to
throw a FIESTA!

Now as crazy as this week has been I have truly endured my fair share of heart ache with not
knowing the language. My companion and I had to speak in the Aspen 5th ward yesterday about
Patience. My dad has told me all my life that patience is not a virtue I possess and he is correct. I
want to know this language more than anything and I want be the BEST missionary I can be for
these people, and I had a few moments where I felt as if that was never going to happen this
week. I want to serve and love these people, but more importantly, bring them closer to Christ. I
have learned this week that being patient is more than just waiting, it is about having a good
attitude while you face your trials and adversity. I am learning to show how I feel even if I
cannot express it in words which is exceptionally hard to do, but people will remember how they
felt more than what I told them. I want them to feel how much the Savior loves them and they
can come to know Him personally. I am learning to be patient because I have a few long months
ahead of me until I can learn this language. I know it will come line upon line and precept upon
precept, here a little and there a little.
My companion has worked very hard in being here since July. The fruits of her labors are
coming to pass as we have quite a few people on date to be baptized. There is a beautiful four
member family that will be baptized. First their parents have to be married and they will be
getting baptized the first Saturday in December while their two sons are baptized this Saturday.
Their names are Felippe&Perla, Eddie, and Aaron. I love them! A man in his mid-20's named
Angel will be getting baptized next Saturday along with a 10-year-old named Rosita. We have a
few other people we are trying to get on date but those are the ones coming up and it is so
EXCITING to see people make the commitment to follow their Savior and be baptized.
Well enjoy my plethora of pictures! Love you all! Keep the faith!
Con Amor,
Hermana Rackley

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