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Q1 Read the passage and answer the Qs

a) Making learning fun with Robots

This is an appropriate title as it gives an idea view of what to expect

when reading the passage. The robots used for this experiment are
imperfect and kids are expected to identify the errors by the robots
and correct them. This is believed not only to reinforce the learning
but the kids would also have fun identifying the robots errors.
b) To evaluate if robots will make the perfect helper and companion.
The robotic educators will act as assistants are expected to reinforce
lessons to the kids.
c) The robotic teachers have both advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages: The kids will enjoy identifying and correcting the errors
made by these robots and in the process remember the learnings
more effectively. The kids can learn at their own pace; as these
unlike teachers will not mind repeating the process any number of
Disadvantages: Using a robot will dehumanise learning. The
element of personal attachment the teacher has with the students
will be missing. Also the errors in the robot will be programmed and
there is no limit to the kind of errors the children would make. Each
child is unique and children are very innovative; not all the different
kinds of mistakes made by them can be imagined and programmed
into the robot. This in essence would limit the learning.
As the children correct the mistakes of the imperfect robot they
will become more aware when they make mistakes. This way the
lessons will be reinforced.
Using robot teacher is a step that undermines the importance
human connections in the classroom. Most importantly the robot
teacher will not understand what is going on in these human
i. Fantastic: greatest
ii. eroding: undermining
iii. imitate: mimic
iv. turning: swiveling
v. adding new features: innovations
g. i. Put an idea to the test: It is always important to put an idea to test
before implementing it.
ii. call a first: The Mars orbiter Mission has many features to be called a
first to its credit such as Indias first interplanetary mission and first
to reach Mars orbit on its first attempt.
iii. Take their lessons to heart: Reinforcing the lessons by repeating it more
than once help the children to take their lessons to heart.
iv. give-and-take relationship: It has to be a give-and-take relationship
where you influence
the robot and the robot influences you.

v. bristled at the thought: People of the locality bristled at the thought of

a luxury hotel coming up at the public park.

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