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Celina Enriquez

Chris Marshall

Federico Garca Lorca

Federico Garca Lorca was born on June 5, in the year of 1898, in Fuente Vaqueros
which is located in Spain. He had traveled to Madrid in the year of 1919 in which he had met
Salvador Dali who would later be capable of designing the scenery for the production of Lorca's
play. Lorca's two most successful poetry collections were Canciones (Songs) and Romancero
Gitano (The Gypsy Ballads). During the time of the Spanish Civil war he had been shot to death
by the supporters of General Francisco.

It is thought that Garca Lorca was shot and killed by Nationalist Militia on the 19 of
August, in the year of 1936. The author Ian Gibson in his book, The Assassination of Garca
Lorca there were claims that he was shot along with three others named (Joaquin Arcollas
Cabezas, Francisco Galadi Mergal and Dioscoro Galindo Gonzalez) at a location known as the
Fuente Grande it means Great Fountain in Spanish, which is on the road between Viznar and

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