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11/18/2014 6:44:00 AM

Why do people migrate?
1). Push Factors
A. Poor Medicine
Sometimes people leave countries because the medicine there is very
bad and some member of the family is very sick
B. None or very bad education
Sometimes people leave countries because they want better education for
their kids
Some other times whole families leave their countries because war is
destroying everything they had
D. Famine
People may want to leave because their crops failed and they have
nothing to eat, this happened during the Irish potato famine
2). Pull Factors
A. Better Medicine
Some people go to other countries because the medicine there is very
B. Better Education
Some people go to other countries because the education there is very
C. Better Jobs
People that want better jobs to be able to raise a family might go to
places with better jobs like the U.S.A
D. Enjoyment

People might simply want to go to another country because they enjoy

that country better than the other one

How does migration impact and change the world?

1) Positive Changes
A. New Food
People that migrate many times bring their own foods and mix them with
the foods of that country. An example of that is Chifa food, a combination
of Chinese and Peruvian food. That example is also evidence that mixing
foods often results in new and delicious foods.
B. The Country Has New Talents
Sometimes people that have specific talents might live in places that cant
pay him much so they go somewhere that can pay him much more and
needs his talent.
2) Negative Changes
A. Illnesses
Sometime immigrants bring with them diseases that they are not aware
of. An example of this is the Spanish colonists that brang with them the
Spanish flu. They werent aware of that disease because they developed
immunity to that disease by being exposed to it for a very long time.
B. Religion Imposition
Sometimes when immigrants come to a new country they force the people
that live there to believe what they believe. Another example of that are
ALSO the Spanish colonists. They forced the Incas and all other cultures
to be Catholic. Although some people didnt believe in god. Almost every
single culture started being Catholic

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