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Thacher Shields

Reader Response Letter #1

I very strongly agree that college level writing class is nothing like high school writing. I
find that I am not only held to a higher level of expectations, but am also given the freedom to
create a work that is capable of meeting those expectations. The freedom of topic is essential
to me. When I find a topic that interests me, I am able to discuss it with passion. This passion is
what lets me produce clear and concise works.
I really like what McAndrew has to say about class interaction. I fell that interaction
amongst students produces better work. When students are allowed to work together, they get
the opportunity to view their work from another students perspective. This second view or
opinion can often help the writer to identify a flaw or mistake.
McAndrews points about assignments, however, are not accurate in my experience. I
feel that I did more writing in my junior year of high school than I will in this class. My English III
class was easily 75% writing. My teacher told my class that writing is one of the most important
aspects of any English class. To some degree, I agree with her. Writing is essential for effective
communication. Effective communication can make or break a career.
Revising my own paper was a pain. It seemed silly to me. I wouldnt have turned it in if I
thought that it could be better. I very strongly agree and support this point. Revision cannot be
done by the writer. It should really be done by a 3rd party to ensure that there is no bias.
Finally, I did not comprehend what McAndrew had to say about socio-psycholinguistics.
I feel that the topic is slightly beyond my level of education. I would however, like to discuss this

Thacher Shields

in class at some point. Sociology is somewhat interesting to me so this topic may strike my
interest as well.

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