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Good readers actively engage with the

text in a variety of ways before, during

and after reading.
Since reading is an invisible act, I
would like you to jot down your thinking,
so your reading becomes visible.

Heres a list of strategies that I hope to see on

those Post-its!

Ask Questions
Track Important Information

Good readers ask questions and wonder

about things as they are reading
Good questions are also called thick
questions- these are questions for which
the answer is not readily available. They
are questions you have to think about or
search for. If the question is easily
answered in the text, it isnt a question
worth raising.

Good readers make connections to

stories to help them understand what
they are reading.
We learn about three types of

Text to Self Connections

Text to Text Connections
Text to World Connections

Good readers track important

information to understand the
development of the plot
Frequently pausing to summarize can
help you learn to do this
One way to summarize is the SOMEBODY
try it with Thank You Mam.

Good readers make inferences while

they are reading.
An inference is a guess or prediction that
is informed by the plot and details of the
story. You could call it an educated

Good readers picture or imagine what

they are reading while they are reading
it. Good authors make this easy by using
lots of imagery and description.

Good readers evaluate (consider the value of)

the things they read. Here are some options for
Think about how you would have reacted or
acted differently from the characters
Make predictions about what will happen next
The way the characters are behaving is (add
adjectives here)
I like the way the author
I dont like the way the author
I think this is/isnt

While we read this excerpt from HATCHET

by Gary Paulsen, take notes that
correlate to the ACTIVE strategy. These
are the kinds of notes I hope you will take
while we read TANGERINE.

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