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Novels Final Exam Study Guide

Definition of Novels
First impressions (first line and first pages)
Five Conflicts in Literature (Internal? External?)
Tips for Naming Characters
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Stream of Consciousness
The Heros Journey
Motif vs. Theme
Central Message
Text-to-Film Challenges
MLA Format
Joy Luck Cub
Central Messages
Narration Types
11/14 Digital Story
11/11 Anticlimactic (Mario World, Extremely Loud, a
11/10 Dramatic Irony (Buzz from Toy Story, Super Mario
10/30 Allusion (like music with Anaconda or Scooby
Doo for Frankenstein)
10/29 Allegory (Animal Farm, Extremely Loud)
10/23 Literal v. Figurative Language

10/22 The Quest (in the end, its always

10/20 Irony (Things I Hate: 1. Graffiti 2. People 3. Irony)
10/13 Historical Present (definition and significance)
10/10 Denotation and Connotation (Heat)
10/8 Chapter Breaks (break in time)
10/7 Symbols (a flag)
10/6 Social Contact (why do we connect to characters?)
10/3 MLA Citation
10/2 Ghost Writers (Why ok for politics, but not fiction?)
10/1 E-Book (pros and cons)
9/30 Doppelganger
9/23 Reading a Novel gives you sensuality
9/18 Translation Paradox (can the new one ever beat the
original? Titanic)
9/16 Milieu (a _________ place, such as the Winter
Classic in the Big House)
9/15 Culture Effects Reading (do we all read the same?)
9/12 Gothic Literature
9/10 Epic
9/9 Narrative v. Story
9/5 Internal Conflict v. External Conflict (The Classic)
9/4 Hermeneutics
9/3 Ambiguity
9/2 Fiction Debate (is there really such thing as fiction or
is it all based on something?)

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