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Amber-Leigh Seymour

English 1102
Step 10 of CIP

All Information Provided by :

Childhood Vaccines

Pros and Cons for Vaccinations

What vaccinations your child

needs from Birth to 6 years old

Pros of Vaccines


Age to receive Vaccine

HepB Vaccine

1-2 months

They may help you

from getting sick

15-18 months

In most schools some

vaccines are required

12-15 months

Vaccines safe lives

and also money that
may be spend due to
a illness that could
have been prevented

Protects against Hepatitis B

Protects against Whooping cough,
Diphtheria, & Tetanus
Protects against Hib

12-15 months

Protects against Pneumococcal


6-18 months

Protects against Polio


12-15 months

Protects against Mumps, Measles

& Rubella
Protects against Chicken Pox's

12-15 months

Vaccines have eliminated disease that

used to be very deadly such as polio.
Getting vaccines now
will protect the future generation.

Cons of Vaccines

They may make the

child sick

Vaccines have harmful chemicals within


When vaccines are

mandatory that is taking away from your
right of religion

Some disease that vaccines protect against

dont affect many people

Vaccines may be
deadly and cause major issues

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