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Running Head: Teaching an Educational Tool

Teaching an Educational Tool

Homer Reynolds
EDU 352 Foundations of Educational Technology
Instructor: Judy Donovan
Tuesday November 18,2014

Running Head: Tool

Teaching an Educational Tool

I have chosen the Tech Ed tool of to serve as my lesson to be displayed through The title of my lesson is Mind Mapping with and the objective is to make
students create their own mind-mapping designs using their ideas and discover how to use the
tools to learn from the many advantages this Tech Ed tool has. There are many times when
students have a hard time writing something down as soon as they can think of that certain idea
or concept that soon afterwards, all of the sudden, they forget about what they were thinking of. as a Tech Ed tool serves for the purpose to immediately detain a persons creative ideas
and help him expand them further and help create more subcategorial topics from his original
concept he started with.
The outline of the lesson is as follows:
I Setting up an account
Details prior to beginning with the plan
II- Where to start
Four helping options
III- Adding Ideas
IV- Undo, export Buttons
V- Organizing and Saving Ideas
VI- Lesson Possibilities
VII- References

Running Head: Tool

I chose to teach Tech Ed tool by using Prezi because I found it a great way to
present something new, and because it allows me to neatly put all the information I need.
Although I did not use sound, I was able to separate the different topics correctly.
I The cite of the tool I taught:
II The cite of the tool I used to teach the lesson:

III My published lesson:

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