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Jainism is a religion of peace and kindness.

Their practices and beliefs are

very passive and simple. Jains are forbidden from killing or harming any living
thing, including plants and insects. Many Jains wear masks over their faces so
they do not accidentally breathe in insects.(Hickman,Meredith,9)
Many Jains are monks, nuns, traders, craftsmen, or any other
occupation that does not involve killing or harming. (Kenoyer,
Heuston, 98) Jains have a simple diet of fruit, vegetables*, eggs, and
more. They also only eat after sunset.( Kenoyer, Heuston, 127) Jains
worship no god or powerful being. They believe that we are trapped
in a constant state of rebirth. One is only released from the cycle of
reincarnation if they are always truthful, honest, kind, and caring.
This is called moksha. Individuals who achieve the status of moksha
are admired and respected by the Jain community. (Hickman,
Meredith,94) Jainism is an amazing religion who sets a great
example, that I hope influences many people all around the world.

*that are picked off a plant, without harming or killing it.

The Beliefs and rituals of Zoroastrianism are also very simple .They believe that
there are two opposing forces in a persons mind, One is positive and one is
negative. They believe that by staying truthful we can create heaven on earth.

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